
Morning Docket: 10.03.24

* Latest redacted filing in Trump case paints an overwhelming portrait of criminality that the Supreme Court will make up even more new rules to squelch. [New Republic] * Judge who handcuffed innocent teen is back presiding over cases. [ABA Journal] * Eight states will vote on banning non-citizens from voting… which is already illegal….

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5 Assumptions That Threaten Enrollment

The primary focus of a private or independent school admissions team is to drive enrollment, but it shouldn’t stop there. Everyone in the school should to be committed to keeping families and students engaged so they want to return year after year. One thing that makes a huge difference in enrollment and retention—yet is often…

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What Is a Giving Day? Why This Nonprofit Trend Matters

9 Benefits of Nonprofit Giving Days 1. You can easily avoid common obstacles. Many Giving Days take place online, allowing you to host or participate in 24 hours of excitement through giving challenges, social media storytelling, regular impact updates, beneficiary spotlights, or whatever fits your current bandwidth. You can maximize limited resources by analyzing past…

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What to know about college recruiting right now

Listen to the article 4 min This audio is auto-generated. Please let us know if you have feedback. It’s fall college recruitment season again — and now employers are meeting students who have learned to operate both virtually and in-person. And while some students may prefer to connect with potential employers online, college campus events…

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Israel’s Pager and Walkie-Talkie Strikes: Thinking through Convention on Conventional Weapons Claims | Lesley Wexler | Verdict

Two weeks ago, Lebanon accused Israel of exploding pagers and walkie-talkies across the country. Hezbollah used those pagers and walkie-talkies to communicate amongst themselves and to my knowledge, no one unconnected to Hezbollah[1] was directly provided with one of the explosive devices. U.S. officials confirmed the allegation, though Israel has not acknowledged responsibility. Collectively, the…

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