
Where have all the First Amendment absolutists gone? — First Amendment News 439

That was Justice Hugo Black’s constitutional creed, absolutely! It was a creed born in the cauldron of the words of the First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law” [emphasis added]. For the Alabama jurist, “no” meant “no.” In meaningful part, textual literalism was his interpretive touchstone. (Never mind that for Black and his textualist descendants, “Congress” also means…

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Behind the Desk: Perspectives of Black Community College CEOs

Dr. David M. JohnsonThe reach, scope, and importance of the California Community College (CCC) System cannot be overstated. As the largest system of higher education in the nation, it comprises 90,000 employees, 73 districts, 116 colleges, and nearly two million students. The 2022 report, The Economic Value of the California Community College System, noted that…

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FIRE condemns government-run animal shelter in Texas for censoring euthanasia debate

Government agencies cannot restrict the public’s online expression because they want to avoid criticism City’s animal shelter deleted or hid over 400 comments from the public, mostly critical of its euthanasia policy FIRE calls on the government-run shelter San Antonio Animal Care Services to immediately stop censoring the public San Antonio, Texas, Sept. 12, 2024…

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RONALD M. CARRERE JR. | Diverse: Issues In Higher Education

Ronald M. Carrere Jr.Ronald M. Carrere Jr. has been named associate vice president of government and community relations at Xavier University of Louisiana. He serves as interim executive director of the Norman C. Francis Leadership Institute. Carrere holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in finance and real estate from the University of New Orleans…

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Ayn Rand, Objectivism, and free speech

What happens when philosopher Ayn Rand’s theories meet free speech? Tara Smith and Onkar Ghate of the Ayn Rand Institute explore Rand’s Objectivist philosophy, its emphasis on reason and individual rights, and how it applies to contemporary free speech issues. Smith and Onkar are contributors to a new book, “The First Amendment: Essays on the…

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