FIRE statement on Murthy v. Missouri

The Supreme Court sidestepped deciding whether government pressure on social media platforms violates the First Amendment. But just a few weeks ago, it unanimously reaffirmed a core First Amendment principle: The government can’t censor by private coercion any more than it can by public legislation.  Despite reams of evidence documenting government pressure, the court held today…

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GEMS Education attracts Brookfield investment

A consortium led by Brookfield Asset Management has announced an agreement to become the lead investor in Dubai-based K12 education giant GEMS Education.  GEMS and Brookfield did not make public the size of the investment but said in a joint statement on June 18 that the private equity firm CVC Capital partners will exit its…

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Ready for Work, Ready for Life

Published: 6/26/2024 Reading Time: 3 minutes Higher education’s purpose, according to the United Nations, is to “enable individuals to expand their knowledge and skills, clearly express their thoughts both orally and in writing, grasp abstract concepts and theories and increase their understanding of the world and their community.” It would be a challenge to find…

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Imperial strengthens ties with University of Ghana

The partnership will build on Imperial’s work with universities and policymakers in the region, developing research and educational programs in areas such as public health, entrepreneurship, sustainability and vaccine manufacturing.   “The scale of our research and projects with partners in Ghana has grown rapidly in the last few years and together we are making…

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Theresia Marlin, Discova, Indonesia

Introduce yourself in three words or three phrases. Ambitious explorer, curious innovator, globally-minded achiever. What do you like most about your job? I love exploring destinations and connecting with diverse cultures while promoting educational and experiential travel globally. Tell me about a defining moment in your career. As I transitioned to Zinc Group from a…

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Education or innovation. Which comes first?

New courses are mostly based around meeting unmet demand. But given the speed in which innovation now occurs, new courses risk being reactive to the events and trends of yesterday, rather than in anticipation of future demand of tomorrow. It’s the difference between being supply led and demand led. Thanks to today’s market dynamics and…

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What to Expect at Dissertation Central

The nature and extent of content in faculty-wide teaching and resources for participant-based undergraduate dissertations. Dissertations and their supervision may rightly be very individual. In higher education, whenever standardization as a marker for quality conflicts with fitness for purpose, the latter should ideally prevail. The value of striking a balance between freedom and structure in…

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Charting a Path to Online Course Retention

“If you build it, they will come,” held true for the 1989 movie Field of Dreams but does not necessarily apply to online courses and programs. While higher education institutions have increased the number of online courses and programs they offer, the offerings do not all lead to successful retention or completion. Studies have shown…

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