New SREB Study Examines Teacher Trends

While new pathways into the teaching profession appear promising in attracting fresh educators, teacher vacancies, shortages, and morale have continued to worsen in recent years, according to a new report from the Southern Regional Education Board. Megan Boren“The goal of the research is to offer insights for education leaders and policymakers as they target solutions…

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JEFFRIANNE WILDER | Diverse: Issues In Higher Education

Dr. Jeffrianne WilderJeffrianne Wilder has been named executive director of the Oberlin Center for Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at Oberlin College and Conservatory. She served as director of the Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnic Relations at the University of North Florida. Wilder, a graduate of Allegheny College, holds a master’s in…

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Six Undergraduates Receive First-Ever Cal State Black Student Success Scholarship

Six individuals have been recognized in The California State University’s (CSU) first-ever Black Student Success Scholarship Program. Dr. Mildred García“It is my great honor to award the inaugural Black Student Success Scholarship to six extraordinary students who have demonstrated their passion for supporting the Black community in service beyond the classroom,” said Dr. Mildred García,…

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Ensuring FERPA Compliance for Colleges & Universities

  What Rights Do College Students Have Under FERPA? To understand how to maintain FERPA compliance, it’s necessary to understand what FERPA is and the rights it affords to eligible students. Students are considered eligible when they turn 18 or when they enroll in a postsecondary institution at any age. Once meeting eligibility requirements, students…

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