Revitalizing University Missions with Community-Engaged HyField Teaching – Faculty Focus

In the past year’s news cycle, we have seen university presidents arraigned before Congress and levels of student activism unseen in decades. Whether spun positively or negatively in media coverage, unfortunately such events are now the only types of public engagement some individuals and communities associate with universities. At a time when universities are under…

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In big win for campus free speech, Harvard won’t issue statements on hot-button social and political issues

In a refreshing turn of events, Harvard University officially announced on Tuesday that neither the school nor its leaders will “issue official statements about public matters that do not directly affect the university’s core function.” University leadership — including its highest governing board, the Harvard Corporation — accepted this recommendation and others from a Harvard faculty working…

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Resilient Higher Education Institutions Adapt to Changing Conditions

  Nimble Thinking Gives Universities a Leg Up One way universities can better meet students where they are is by collecting and interpreting student data throughout their learning journey. From targeted marketing campaigns to proactive advising plans that help students reach graduation, schools are using student lifecycle management tools to track the progress of potential, current and past students…

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Cost far from only reason Indians reject US unis

A survey of over 20,000 Indian students has found that while cost is a big reason certain universities were turned down, university branding could be a key issue for institutions to address, with location also being seen as a problem for some. GradRight’s Admit-Enrollment Survey, which was released at NAFSA on May 28, examined the…

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Mental Health on Campus – The Cengage Blog

Published: 5/28/2024 Reading Time: 5 minutes I met my first suicidal student while serving as a 23-year-old instructor at a local community college. The student was calm and matter-of-fact. She saw no alternatives other than taking her life. What was her dilemma? She had just found out that Stanford had offered her a full scholarship….

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Academic Advising Software: Freshman to Graduation Success

Before entering their sophomore year of college, up to 30% of students drop out, according to statistics. Academic advising software comes into its own in an era where student achievement and retention rates in higher education are under increased scrutiny. Perhaps academic advising software is the game-changer we’ve been waiting for. Studies indicate that universities…

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