PATRICIA DRAVES | Diverse: Issues In Higher Education

Dr. Patricia DravesPatricia Draves has been named president of Monmouth College. She served as president of Graceland University in Lamoni, Iowa. Draves holds a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts and doctorate in chemistry from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. #PATRICIA #DRAVES #Diverse #Issues #Higher #Education

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Bloom’s Taxonomy Question Stems For Use In Assessment [With 100+ Examples]

One of the most powerful aspects of Bloom’s Taxonomy is that it offers you, as an educator, the ability to construct a curriculum to assess objective learning outcomes, including advanced educational objectives like critical thinking. Pre-created Bloom’s Taxonomy questions can also make planning discussions, learning activities, and formative assessments much easier. For those unfamiliar with…

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Morehouse College Prepares for Possible Protests

Morehouse alum the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s statue in Washington D.C.When Dr. Travis C. Smith, assistant professor of educational leadership policy and law at Alabama State University, heard that President Joseph R. Biden would be speaking at Morehouse College’s commencement on Sunday, he said his first thought was: “Uh oh — this is…

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How To Use Synchronous Vs. Asynchronous Methods

The pandemic ushered in a widespread shift to online course delivery—and that came with its challenges for higher ed instructors. Collaboration, engagement and assessments were just a few of the areas that were put to the test. But looking back, some critical advantages have also emerged—one of them being that teaching and learning don’t necessarily…

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SARAH EMERSON | Diverse: Issues In Higher Education

Sarah EmersonSarah Emerson has been appointed vice president of advancement at Oglethorpe University. She serves as executive director for foundation relations at Georgia State University. Emerson holds a bachelor’s degree in English from Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi, and a master’s in education from the University of Georgia. #SARAH #EMERSON #Diverse #Issues #Higher #Education

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70 Years After Brown v. Board of Education

Seven decades ago, U.S. civil rights history was made with the Brown v. Board of Education decision.Dr. Ivory A. Toldson When the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled in May 1954 that separate educational facilities between Black students and white students was “inherently unequal,” dismissing the concept of “separate but equal” in public education, the nation began…

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The Ultimate Guide to Metacognition for Post-Secondary Courses

Metacognition plays a critical role in the education process. The concept itself amounts to ‘thinking about thinking.’ When students learn through metacognitive activities before, during and after class, their grades or scores often improve. The reason? Self-awareness, reflection and critical thinking lead to more engagement in the classroom. As such, metacognition is one of the…

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STACY W. SMALLWOOD | Diverse: Issues In Higher Education

Dr. Stacy W. SmallwoodStacy W. Smallwood has been named executive director of Wake Forest University School of Divinity’s Faith COMPASS Center. He serves as associate professor of community health and founding director of the Office of Health Equity and Community Engagement in the Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health at Georgia Southern University. Smallwood holds…

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Dr. Donovan Livingston Returns Home, Merging His Hip Hop Self with His College Advisor Self

Dr. Donovan Livingston, award-winning educator, spoken word poet, and public speaker, has spent his career in education bridging the gap between his artistic sensibility and commitment to college access, and social justice.  “A lot of my work is grounded in how Hip Hop informs student experiences in college,” Livingston said.  Before attending the University of…

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