Longtime biology professor says public college fired him for teaching X and Y chromosomes determine biological sex

UPDATED (Feb. 28, 2024): After FIRE’s advocacy, Dr. Johnson Varkey has been reinstated as a biology professor at St. Philip’s College. The alleged termination of a St. Philip’s College biology professor for saying X and Y chromosomes determine biological sex raises serious concerns about the state of academic freedom at the public college in Texas. Today,…

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Defining Student Success through Technology-Enhanced Outcomes-Based Education Programs

Outcome Based Education (OBE) has emerged as a guiding philosophy, emphasizing measurable student outcomes. Simultaneously, the integration of technology has become a cornerstone in shaping modern educational experiences. As we embark on this exploration, we delve into the synergy between Outcome Based Education and technology, unraveling the potential impact of this dynamic duo on student…

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Universities Journey to a Virtual Reality

Rasha Faek, Managing Editor, WENR While virtual reality and other immersive technologies have long been popular in entertainment, their use in higher education has been limited. Most students continue to learn in person, studying in lecture halls and training in laboratories. When they do make use of digital technologies, it is to attend classes online…

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The Key to Generating More Equitable Results in Higher Education? Uniting the Faculty and Edtech Communities

Over the last year, many consequential changes have been thrown at higher education – new legislation impacted DEI, artificial intelligence entered the classroom in a big way, and we’re still working through the residual effects of the pandemic. Our industry is indeed at an inflection point. Daysha Jackson-SanchezThrough my conversations with other providers, as well…

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Liaison Celebrates Employee Appreciation Day 2024

Every January, our +400 employees gather virtually and in person to celebrate the successes and accomplishments of the previous calendar year. The long-time employees are recognized for their commitment to Liaison, followed by the ‘people of the year’ and two company-specific awards. This year, we thought those individuals’ needed recognition on a larger stage. We…

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Top 5 CNOWv2 Features and Tools

Published: 3/4/2024 Reading Time: 2 minutes   Based on our conversations with hundreds of Accounting instructors across the country, it’s clear that online learning needs have dramatically changed for both faculty and students. Students need an online learning platform that provides them with the tools they need to succeed in the classroom and prepare for…

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