Which Governing Law should I choose as a supplier dealing with international clients? – International Trade & Investment

To print this article, all you need is to be registered or login on Mondaq.com. Business owners engaging in international transactions often face the challenging task of determining the governing law for their contracts. This decision carries significant implications, influencing not only your business operations but also the potential legal costs. This article will explore the …

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Keep The Focus On Clients And Deliver A Superior Client Experience While Efficiently Managing Your Firm’s Business

CARET Legal offers a complete solution for clients, from prospect to profit, with case management, document solutions, billing, accounting and payments, client communication, and prospect and contact management. Users can minimize data entry and efficiently manage their work by utilizing these powerful tools within the application. Workflows are at the core of CARET Legal, driving…

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Shady Shadow Docket Strikes Again – See Also

(Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) Ketanji Brown Jackson Isn’t Happy: Because the Supreme Court’s shadow docket is back at it. Seven Jurors Have Been Picked So Far For The Trump Hush Money Trial: And two of them are Biglaw attorneys. Big Diploma: Small job prospects. You Probably Shouldn’t Publicly Solicit Jury Tampering: Just saying. When…

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Quebec Follows In Other Provinces’ Footsteps And Deploys An Arsenal Of Measures And Protections Against Psychological Harassment And Sexual Violence In The Workplace – Employee Rights/ Labour Relations

17 April 2024 McCarthy Tétrault LLP To print this article, all you need is to be registered or login on Mondaq.com. On March 22, the National Assembly passed Bill 42, An Act to prevent and fight psychological harassment and sexual violence in the workplace (hereinafter “Bill 42“), which has since been…

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This Biglaw Firm Had A Pretty Successful 2023

Ed. Note: Welcome to our daily feature Trivia Question of the Day! According to data collected by American Lawyer, which Biglaw firm had the greatest increase in its revenue per lawyer last year? Hint: This firms RPL increased an astonishing 82.58%.The firm’s suit against Fox News certainly helped the staggering increase. See the answer on…

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