Time Theft Is Theft – Employment Litigation/ Tribunals

A recent decision from western Canada gives employers confidence that circumstantial evidence can be relied on to justify the termination of an employee for time theft. The decision also provides support for categorizing time theft as theft in the ordinary sense of the word, for disciplinary purposes. Time theft is generally understood as the falsification…

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The Business Case For AI At Your Law Firm

Are you looking to build the business case for AI at your law firm? To build the case for acquiring and incorporating AI-based tools into your firm’s processes, you must first understand the benefits and challenges of these tools. Artificial intelligence tools — like ChatGPT — can help law firms automate routine tasks, enhance research…

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2023 Kurumlar Vergisi Beyannamesi Güncellenerek Uygulamaya Açılmıştır – Corporate Tax

16 April 2024 BDO TURKIYE (DENET YEMINLI MALI MUSAVIRLIK A.S.) To print this article, all you need is to be registered or login on Mondaq.com. 2023 yılı vergilendirme dönemine ilişkin verilmesi gereken “Kurumlar Vergisi Beyannamesi“ uygulamaya açılmıştır. Beyannamelerini e-Beyanname sisteminden verecek olan mükelleflerin Dijital Vergi Dairesi uygulaması üzerinden “Gerekli Programlar” menüsü altında yer …

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3 Steps For Completing An ESG Gap Assessment

Business has changed. The bar is getting higher. Regulators, investors, and clients demand that corporations provide transparent environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosures. ESG missteps can result in loss of business, loss of investment dollars, greenwashing allegations, and brand damage. And the stakes are getting higher as new regulations come into effect. In-house legal teams…

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Şirket Ortakları Ve Mirasçılarını Ilgilendiren Önemli Gelişme: Enflasyon Düzeltmesi Veraset Ve Intikal Vergisini De Etkiliyor! – Tax Authorities

To print this article, all you need is to be registered or login on Mondaq.com. Enflasyon düzeltmesi ile öz sermaye tutarları önemli ölçüde değişmektedir. Çoğunlukla öz sermaye tutarları artmaktadır, çünkü ülkemizde mükelleflerin büyük çoğunluğu varlıklarını özkaynaklarla değil borçla finanse ettiklerinden enflasyon düzeltmesi işlemi enflasyon kazancı doğurmaktadır. Bu da öz sermayeleri artırmaktadır Değerli okurlar, enflasyon…

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Asset Recovery Comparative Guide –

To print this article, all you need is to be registered or login on Mondaq.com. 1 Civil 1.1 Civil proceedings: (a) What remedies for asset recovery are available in your jurisdiction? (b) What type of assistance will be provided to those seeking substantive relief in your jurisdiction when faced with the dissipation of assets?…

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