Oregon Cannabis Roundup: Fall 2024

Now that Labor Day is in the rear view and people are paying attention again, it seems like a good time to drop a line on Oregon cannabis. Here are some highlights, to launch you into fall. OLCC’s 2024-2028 Strategic Plan A draft of the 2024-2028 Strategic Plan was first circulated at a Commission meeting…

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Morning Docket: 09.12.24

* Nevada rejects NCBE test to forge new attorney licensing regime front-loading requirements during law school so “law graduates could be cleared to practice within weeks of completing their studies.” [Reuters] * Judge settles suit with law firm that threatened to release nude photos. [ABA Journal] * A&O Shearman blasted by senior attorneys over shock…

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Advice to Campus Administrators: Don’t Call it an “Expressive Activities Policy,” Except to the Extent that Expressive Activities Receive Extra Solicitude | Michael C. Dorf | Verdict

The fall semester is now in full swing at college and university campuses around the country. After a tumultuous spring semester in which administrators came in for criticism for either over-reacting or under-reacting to students protesting the war in Gaza, many colleges and universities spent the summer revising their policies for addressing such matters going…

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Lawyer-Client Questions For an Intake Consultation

When it comes to initial interviews with potential clients, are you asking the right lawyer-client interview questions? Lawyers devote significant time, energy, and marketing money to nurturing leads and winning new clients. But if you rush through the initial interview or fail to prepare the most effective lawyer-client interview questions, you’ll likely miss out on…

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AI That Actually Matters! — See Also

This AI Tool Is A Game Changer: You won’t want to comb through depositions the old way ever again. Taylor Swift Fights Deepfakes By Announcing Her Ballot: Be like Taylor and do your research! See Who Is Making Pound Over Fist: These are the richest UK Biglaw firms. So Much For A Graceful Exit: Elon…

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Can a Non-Lawyer Own a Law Firm? Find Out Here!

If there has been one constant about the qualifications to own an American law firm, it has been this–you must be a lawyer. With the exception of the District of Columbia, the default rule in U.S. jurisdictions for decades has been that non-lawyers cannot own law firms. However, this is now changing, with many states…

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