Universities Harness the Cloud for Digital Archives

  Since the initiative was launched in the 1960s, researchers from Rice and several other institutions have cataloged and consolidated these records into a single repository. At first, they kept their information as handwritten notes. Later, they moved to desktop computers, CD-ROMs and, finally, local servers. Before they moved to the cloud a few years ago, the…

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PGWP will be curtailed in Canada as gov consults on impact

Government is asking stakeholders, should we “grandfather” (protect) students already studying in Canada at time of implementation? Purpose of PGWP calibration is to ensure labour market outcomes linked to education and training Programs of study will be coded to reflect links occupations in long-term shortage and Express Entry eligibility The Canadian government has sent letters…

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Internationalisation increasingly important for global HEIs

The International Association of Universities’ 6th Global Survey on the Internationalisation of Higher Education received responses from 722 higher education institutions in 110 countries and territories. The report looks at seven different aspects of internationalisation: Importance, benefits and challenges to internationalisation Internationalisation governance Internationalisation of teaching and learning: activities Internationalisation of teaching and learning: Internationalisation…

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Trump Hush Money Trial Is Set To Shock MAGA-World

(Photographer: Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post/Bloomberg via Getty Images) Do you know what today is? Unless you’ve been living under a rock you know that today is the start of the first criminal prosecution of a former president. Jury selection in the New York hush money trial begins today and you’re about to hear a lot…

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Strategies for Speaking Out | Diverse: Issues In Higher Education

Activism is hardly optional in today’s world. I feel the calling in my bones. My family is deeply Jewish, with both Sephardic and Ashkenazic roots, and taught me the core lessons of tikkun olam (repair the world), tzedakah (create justice), g’milut chasadim (engage in loving kindness), pikuach nefesh (life matters), and ometz lev (courage). These values anchored my identity even…

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