Spring Impact Capital Is Investing In Early-Stage Companies With A Focus On Human And Planetary Health – Venture Capital


(Left to right) Keith Ippel, OliviaHornby, Graham

After working for over a dozen years with traditional
investments and institutions, Olivia Hornby was seeking to apply
her skills to drive positive and meaningful change for the future
when she discovered Vancouver-based accelerator, Spring Activator.

Serial entrepreneur and investor Keith Ippel founded Spring
Activator 10 years ago and along with Graham Day, former Chief
Investment Officer of Spring, and Olivia, launched a $20-million fund to back cleantech and
healthcare startups. The team came together in January 2023 and
celebrated their first close in October. Shortly after, they began
making their first investments.

“To be able to generate strong returns and positive impact
in the future is a win-win for all,” says Olivia, managing
partner with Spring Impact Capital. “I believe that
investors are increasingly looking to gain more meaning and purpose
from their investment strategies. I realized that I could help fill
a really important role connecting capital to changemakers who are
growing the leading companies of tomorrow.”

Spring supports impact entrepreneurs who want to change the
world in a positive way. It’s a platform including accelerator
programming, an angel network, and angel investing that exists in
six provinces across Canada with 35 employees. “It’s a
well-oiled machine that I consider to be our sister business. What
really attracted me to this opportunity was that there was this
operating business that is an engine that the fund plugs
into,” says Olivia.

So far, the interest in Spring Impact Capital has been positive
from founders and investors alike.

“We’ve had a great response to the impact investing
message. The community has been very supportive — from
potential investors, co-investors and founders. There has also been
lots of collaboration from other funds and co-investment partners
from across the country,” she says.

Finding inspiration from founders

Spring Impact Capital made its first two investments in 2023.
The first is in Cognito Health, a mental health platform based in
Victoria, B.C., which provides comprehensive virtual care for a
variety of conditions including ADHD, depression and anxiety. The
second is a Retinalogik, a Calgary-based company that has developed
virtual reality software for eye exams which will allow more
clinics, especially in rural areas, to screen for diseases like

“It’s disrupting the old model of eye testing,”
says Graham, Managing Partner at Spring Impact Capital. “The
bulky equipment used at optometry and ophthalmology offices is
expensive for the clinic to buy and operate, not to mention
uncomfortable for the patient. This technology lowers the cost for
clinics to offer these services while improving the patient
experience. We’re excited to see traction in multiple markets,
from clinics in urban areas, to mobile units serving rural areas
and even hospitals in developing countries.”

The fund is focused on investing at the pre-seed and seed level,
which is where the partners’ identified the biggest need and

“We think there’s great potential for generating
returns but also for supporting founders at that stage of their
journey, specifically because we have all these resources with Spring Activator such
as mentor programs and online resources. The whole program is
already built to support early-stage founders and those who have
traditionally been under-served,” explains Keith, Managing
Partner at Spring Impact Capital.

Trends emerging for 2024

In the healthcare space, Spring Impact Capital is seeing more
software and solutions that focus on the virtual care environment
such as how to improve efficiencies for patient care and how to
improve hospital efficiencies.

“In the climate arena, investments are capital intensive so
we’re leaning in on more software services and materials
innovations that are less capital intensive. There are lots of
interesting applications of AI and machine learning here — if
you think of things like environmental reporting — a lot
insights on environmental impact can be gleaned from large amounts
of data,” she says.

Working with Osler

Spring Impact Capital was familiar with Osler and when the
principals were starting to set up the fund, they wanted things to
be as straightforward as possible for their potential

“We know that impact investing is a little bit unique in
and of itself,” says Olivia. “We surveyed potential
investors and two or three said we had to use Osler. Then I met
[Osler EHG partner] Laura Webb in a Women in Tech event. She’s
been incredibly supportive, and we’ve been happy with the
support that we’ve received,” says Olivia.

Advice for founders in 2024

There are still pockets of opportunity for founders looking for
early-stage investment says Olivia.

“We’re seeing a lot of dry powder for climate funds,
which leads to lots of opportunities in the climate space. I think
there are still opportunities to raise capital, but I think that
the focus should be on the fundamentals — that’s not
going to change, unless maybe you’re an AI company, investors
still want to make sure that your business can survive without a
continual influx of capital. We want to know that if we’re
going to invest today, what’s the probability that you’re
going to need capital by the end of next year? And how hard is it
going to be for you to raise that capital?”

Generally, Olivia says investors in the market are still a
little bit cautious. Her advice to founders is to consider whether
they really need to raise capital now.

“I often meet early-stage founders and I’ll put the
question out to them: Do you need to raise now or is it better that
you focus your time on product iterations or sales? Frankly, for a
lot of founders that we meet we say come back to us in six or 12
months once you’ve iterated a little more.”

Spring Impact Capital is actively looking ahead to its second
close in the first half of this year. “What we’re doing is
really resonating with people who want to generate returns but also
really care about supporting Canadian innovation,” says

“With more millennials coming into wealth, we’re seeing
the biggest intergenerational wealth transfer from the boomers to
the millennials. And women are having more financial assets and
taking more ownership over those financial assets. They are
certainly more interested in impact investing,” she says.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.

#Spring #Impact #Capital #Investing #EarlyStage #Companies #Focus #Human #Planetary #Health #Venture #Capital

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