World Intellectual Property Day To Be Celebrated In Cayman – Patent

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Grand Cayman, 5 April 2024 – Local
entrepreneurs and creatives who want to legally protect their own
works, inventions, business names and other forms of creativity can
attend free virtual and in-person workshops this month, as part of
the Cayman Islands’ observance of World Intellectual Property
Day (WIPD).

The Cayman Islands Intellectual Property Office (CIIPO) is
hosting the workshops. Persons can register for them on

  • Thursday, 18 April – All about IP (on zoom at 4pm)

  • Monday, 22 April – All about IP (on zoom at 4pm)

  • Thursday, 25 April – Lunch and Learn for Entrepreneurs
    (in person, Cayman Islands Centre for Business Development at

  • Friday, 26 April – IP Legal Aid Clinic (in person, Cayman
    Islands Centre for Business Development 12:30pm)

Intellectual property (IP) is a creation of the mind. It covers
literary and artistic works, designs and symbols, names and images
used in business, and more, explained CIIPO Director Candace

“The CIIPO team strongly believes that local persons should
protect their IP rights, just like others around the world protect
theirs,” she said. “We’re excited to meet people
during our workshops, to help them understand how IP can benefit
them – whether it’s governing how your work is used, to
making money from it.”

CIIPO falls under the remit of the Ministry for Financial
Services and Commerce.

“IP rights help distinguish one’s work or business from
others,” said the Minister for Financial Services and
Commerce, the Hon. André M. Ebanks MP who is also the Deputy
Premier and Minister for Investment, Innovation and Social

“It assures potential investors that they are investing in
legally protected work and also protects company values and boosts
competitiveness, which strengthens our Islands’ business
environment and economy.”

CIIPO was established in May 2016. By the end of 2023 it had
processed 3,773 local and international IP applications, 565 of
them in 2023 alone. There are now almost 8,000 items on the IP
registers including trademarks, patents and designs, Ms Westby
WIPD is observed annually and globally on 26 April. This year’s
theme is IP and the SDGs: Building Our Common Future with
Innovation and Creativity, which connects IP to the UN’s
Sustainable Development Goals.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.

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#World #Intellectual #Property #Day #Celebrated #Cayman #Patent

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