Mastering the Framework: Alex and Jordan navigate the essentials of Business Contracts – Contracts and Commercial Law

In the bustling world of entrepreneurship, the story of Alex, a
seasoned builder in his late 50s, and Jordan, a tech-savvy dynamo
in her mid-30s, continues as they delve into the crucial realm of
contracts. Their construction tech venture in Southeast Queensland,
poised for innovation, now faces the intricate dance of drafting
and negotiating contracts—a cornerstone of business

The Purpose and Importance of Contracts

Contracts are the lifeblood of the business world, acting as the
binding agreements that govern relationships and transactions. For
Alex and Jordan, understanding a contract’s purpose is
paramount; these documents not only formalise their business
dealings but also serve as a defence mechanism against potential
disputes and misunderstandings. A well-crafted contract provides
clarity and certainty, outlining the rights, responsibilities, and
expectations of all parties involved.

The Fundamental Requirements of a Contract

Contracts must encompass certain key elements to be legally
binding and effective:

Offer and Acceptance

The contract process begins with one party making an offer and
the other accepting it, forming the basis of a mutual agreement.
For example, a software company might offer to provide a client
with a custom software solution for a specified price. The
client’s acceptance of this offer, either through a written
agreement or an email confirmation, legally binds both parties to
the contract.


Consideration involves the exchange of value between parties in
a contract. A typical scenario is a freelance graphic designer
agreeing to create a logo for a business. The designer provides the
creative service, and in return, the business pays a fee. This
mutual exchange, service for money, represents the consideration
that validates the contract

Intention to Create Legal Relations

For a contract to be enforceable, both parties must intend to
enter into a legally binding agreement. This intention is usually
clear in commercial contracts, such as a lease agreement between a
landlord and a tenant, where both parties understand and agree that
the document will be legally enforceable, dictating the terms of
the tenancy.


Parties must have the legal capacity to enter a contract,
meaning they are of a certain age and mental capability to
understand the contract’s terms. For example, a contract with a
minor or someone lacking mental capacity due to illness may be
considered void or voidable because they lack the capacity to
understand the agreement’s implications.

Legality of Purpose

A contract must be for a lawful purpose and not for illegal
activities. For instance, an agreement to hire someone for a
legitimate job is enforceable, whereas a contract for hiring
someone to conduct illegal activities, such as hacking into secure
systems, is void and unenforceable because it violates the law and
public policy.

Alex and Jordan’s Situation

Alex and Jordan’s journey is punctuated by various contract
negotiations, each with its unique challenges and learning curves.
They require client agreements for their innovative construction
technologies, supplier contracts for their hardware and software
needs, and partnership deals that promise to propel their business
forward. These agreements are more than just paperwork; they are
strategic tools that can make or break their venture.

Drafting Contracts

Drafting contracts is an art and science that Alex and Jordan
approach with meticulous care. They learn that clear, concise, and
comprehensive contracts are crucial. These documents must
accurately reflect the deal’s terms, anticipating potential
issues and outlining solutions. They focus on creating contracts
that are fair, balanced, and transparent, ensuring all parties are
on the same page. More importantly, they seek specialist legal
advice to have their contracts drafted in a manner that suits their
purpose and provides the commercial outcome they need.

Negotiating Contracts

Negotiation is a critical skill in the contracting process.
Alex, with his decades of industry experience, and Jordan, with her
strategic mindset, complement each other’s negotiating styles.
They understand the importance of preparation, knowing their
objectives, and understanding the other party’s needs. Their
negotiations are not just about winning terms but about building
lasting business relationships that foster mutual success.


As Alex and Jordan navigate the complexities of business
contracts, their story offers valuable insights into the importance
of understanding, drafting, and negotiating contracts. Their
experiences underscore the role of contracts in safeguarding
business interests, facilitating growth, and building strong
professional relationships. For entrepreneurs embarking on their
business journeys, mastering the framework of contracts is not just
a legal necessity but a strategic advantage.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.

#Mastering #Framework #Alex #Jordan #navigate #essentials #Business #Contracts #Contracts #Commercial #Law

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