Tax Saving Tips For Your Cyprus Company – Corporate Tax

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Here are some tax-saving tips for your Cyprus company:

  1. **Utilize the Double Tax Treaties**: Cyprus has an extensive
    network of double tax treaties with various countries, which can
    help in reducing or eliminating double taxation. Take advantage of
    these treaties to minimize your tax liabilities.

  2. **Optimize your capital structure**: Consider structuring your
    company’s capital in a tax-efficient manner. For example, debt
    financing may offer tax advantages compared to equity financing in
    certain cases.

  3. **Take advantage of tax incentives**: Cyprus offers various tax
    incentives and exemptions for businesses, such as the Notional
    Interest Deduction (NID) regime, IP Box regime, and tax incentives
    for shipping companies. Ensure that your company qualifies for
    these incentives and make use of them to reduce your tax

  4. **Transfer Pricing Compliance**: Ensure that your company
    complies with transfer pricing regulations to avoid any potential
    tax issues. Documenting transfer pricing policies and adhering to
    arm’s length principles can help in minimizing tax risks.

  5. **Consider group restructuring**: If your company is part of a
    multinational group, consider group restructuring to optimize the
    overall tax position. This may include moving intellectual property
    or other assets to jurisdictions with more favorable tax

  6. **Use holding company structures**: Cyprus is known for its
    favorable tax treatment of dividends and capital gains. Consider
    establishing a Cyprus holding company to benefit from these tax
    advantages when holding investments or subsidiary companies.

  7. **Employment-related tax planning**: Explore tax-efficient ways
    to compensate employees, such as through stock options or other
    non-monetary benefits that may be taxed at lower rates.

  8. **Stay compliant**: Ensure that your company complies with all
    tax laws and regulations in Cyprus to avoid penalties and fines.
    Keep accurate records, file tax returns on time, and seek
    professional advice if needed.

It’s important to note that tax laws and regulations are
subject to change, so it’s essential to stay informed and adapt
your tax planning strategies accordingly.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.


Tax Facts 2024


Highworth (Cyprus) Ltd, a trusted leader in financial services, proudly presents the Tax Facts of 2024.

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