News Roundup – North Carolina Criminal Law

Last week, the Department of Defense announced that 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammad and two co-defendants had reached plea deals. Generally, the defendants would plead guilty to various charges before the military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay and accept life in prison, and in exchange would be spared the death penalty. Then the Department of Defense…

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Kerala on mission to attract international students

The initiative, first mooted by the Kerala State Higher Education Council, has been sanctioned by the state government to improve campus diversity and enable its students to work in a global society.  The government in Kerala aims to attract more international students to the region, which is home to several prestigious higher education institutions, through…

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Designing for Success: The Principles of Competency-Based Curriculum Mapping Software in Higher Education

Designing for Success: The Principles of Competency-Based Curriculum Mapping Software in Higher Education editor Mon, 07/29/2024 – 03:45 Curriculum ManagementHeader Menu White 1NoneFooter base 1Blog Style 1Right Team CreatrixOff Introduction Introduction As higher ed decision makers, you should be aware that the goal of competency-based curriculum mapping is to define and evaluate the information and…

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CIS Abroad’s Path to a Sustainable Future

With a passionate team spread across the globe, our vision is all about fostering a more connected and compassionate world through transformative international experiences… AND to achieve this vision sustainably. Honeybee Leadership According to research by Harvard Business School, companies with strong sustainability practices outperform their peers in terms of financial performance, risk mitigation, and…

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FIRE brief: TikTok law is unprecedented threat to Americans’ expressive rights

Never before has Congress taken the extraordinary step of effectively banning a communications platform, let alone one used by half the country. But this spring, Congress did exactly that when it passed the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act. The law not only threatens TikTok’s U.S. operation but also exposes other online platforms to burdensome…

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Let Americans have both a job and a political opinion

“Shoot, if they go for him again, I hope they get him.” No, that’s not a tweet about the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. They’re the words of Ardith McPherson, a Texas police department clerk who made the remark more than 40 years ago after a failed assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan….

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