Clement and Murphy ask high court to overrule Hill v. Colorado . . . but will the petition be granted? — First Amendment News 433

Should the Supreme Court overrule Hill v. Colorado? That is how the issue is presented in the certiorari petition Paul Clement and Erin Murphy filed in Coalition Life v. City of Carbondale. Think of it as Justice Antonin Scalia’s posthumous revenge. Hill v. Colorado is a case he dissented in nearly a quarter-century ago. And to think that such a reversal…

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So to Speak: The Free Speech Podcast

So to Speak: The Free Speech Podcast takes an uncensored look at the world of free expression through the law, philosophy, and stories that define your right to free speech. Hosted by FIRE’s Nico Perrino. New episodes post every other Thursday. #Speak #Free #Speech #Podcast

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Americans don’t trust the government to regulate speech

Most Americans, including a majority of Democrats and Republicans, are losing confidence in the future of free speech in America. And that’s not the only instance of partisan agreement the third installment of FIRE’s National Speech Index reveals. Released today, the survey also found that Americans do not trust the government to fairly decide what speech…

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Is Your Board Ready for Capital Campaign?

Capital campaigns are the lifeblood of many nonprofits. They fund ambitious projects that can transform communities and advance missions.  But let’s be real: they’re not for the faint of heart. A successful capital campaign demands thoughtful planning, the “will” to do the work, and, most crucially, a well-organized board. Your board members can serve as…

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