Judges Green-Light Trump’s Speech-Chilling SLAPP Suits

(Photo by Evan Vucci-Pool/Getty Images) Donald Trump is no stranger to filing vexatious, speech-chilling SLAPP suits. For a guy whose supporters pretend he is a big “free speech” supporter, it’s kind of astounding how frequently Trump sues people and companies over speech he dislikes. Unfortunately, judges have allowed the cases to move forward in two separate…

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The morning read for Friday, August 2

WHAT WE’RE READING By Ellena Erskine on Aug 2, 2024 at 10:42 am Each weekday, we select a short list of news articles, commentary, and other noteworthy links related to the Supreme Court. Here’s the Friday morning read: Recommended Citation: Ellena Erskine, The morning read for Friday, August 2, SCOTUSblog (Aug. 2, 2024, 10:42 AM),…

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Liaison Introduces Living Profile | Liaison

Liaison, a leading provider of higher education technology solutions, today announced the launch of Living Profile, an innovative platform designed to transform how students showcase their academic and extracurricular achievements and streamline their application processes. The platform enables current and prospective students to document and enhance their academic and extracurricular activities with detailed descriptions, competencies,…

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Morning Docket: 08.02.24

* Judge tosses NFL Sunday Ticket award, deciding that the expert witnesses weren’t good enough AFTER the jury agreed with them. It’s not so much “instant replay” as “deciding to void the game two weeks later.” [CNN] * FTC could start probing grocery chains for keeping prices aloft after inflation has receded. [Bloomberg Law News]…

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Wendy Dsouza, Enterprise Ireland – The PIE News

Introduce yourself in three words or phrases.  Beautiful, energetic, lovable. What do you like most about your job?  I like connecting with the students. Being with the government, it gives me an opportunity to connect with more people and explain the things that are there for them. Opening their mindset to new opportunities is what…

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