Exploring new horizons: the rise of non-traditional study abroad in Latin America

There’s a growing movement toward non-traditional study abroad locations, which often offer students a more cost-effective immersive experience. One region increasingly attracting attention is Latin America, with Guatemala’s historic city of Antigua standing out as a beacon for students seeking something new. At the centre of this shift is Maximo Nivel, an organisation committed to…

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Major spike in Chinese students in HE and K-12

According to Education Malaysia, there was a massive spike in students from East Asia in 2023, with a total of 29,195 applications received last year, compared to 23,818 the year before. A staggering 26,627 of them were from China, representing a noticeable increase on 2022 level, when there were 21,975 students from China studying in…

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Morning Docket: 09.10.24

* Justice Kagan points out that issuing opaque, from the hip, ideologically motivated opinions results in terrible work. [Reuters] * Womble Bond merging with Lewis Roca. [WBD] * SPLC Union approve no confidence motion aimed at the law center’s leadership. [Alabama Reflector] * In an entirely predictable turn of events, attorney working on anti-Trans rights…

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ATN international alumni thrive in global careers

The Australian Technology Network of Universities has launched its ATN25 Global Graduates series, From Australian Campuses to Global Careers – featuring the stories of six international student alumni from across its member universities. The campaign sees graduates sharing their experiences of studying in Australia and how their education at ATN member universities has helped to propel them into entrepreneurial careers in…

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TIE partners with St. Andrews language schools

Trinity International Education summer camp provider has announced a new partnership with St. Andrew’s College Language Schools, a Scottish company specialising in summer camps in England and Scotland.  “This partnership with St Andrew’s is a real game changer for TIE.   “Being able to offer more centres in parts of the UK where we do…

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The Chief Justice Roberts Who Stood Up Last Term Was More Interested in Advancing a Conservative Legal Agenda than Promoting Judicial Statesmanship: | Rodger Citron | Verdict

Part one of this article discussed the 2019-20 and 2021-22 Supreme Court terms. In the former term (which I referred to as Act I), Chief Justice John Roberts navigated the Court through a series of challenging cases, endeavoring to keep the Court’s institutional reputation above or apart from partisan politics. In the latter term (Act…

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Prepare For A Giant! — See Also

It Is Actually Happening!: Troutman Pepper Locke will be ringing in the new year! Not Very Unbiased Of You: Judge kicked off bench for calling all Black Americans lazy. Even Trump Doesn’t Like His Lawyers: Must suck to represent a guy despite the blatant disrespect. Yet Another Delay: Federal Circuit extends Pauline Newman’s suspension. You…

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