Liaison and NASH Announce Strategic Partnership to Address Pressing Challenges in Higher Education

The partnership unveils a new era in educational excellence and technological integration. Liaison and the National Association of Higher Education Systems (NASH) announce a first-of-its-kind partnership that will accelerate student access and foster success across the United States using Liaison’s Centralized Application Service (CAS).  By adopting an application strategy that prioritizes student pathways, the system…

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Of Embryos, Elections, and Elephants: Are Rights Always Zero-Sum? | Michael C. Dorf | Verdict

Last week’s decision by the Alabama Supreme Court in LePage v. Center for Reproductive Medicine, P.C., is most notable for its use of the extreme rhetoric of the fetal personhood movement—calling frozen embryos “extrauterine children,” for example. Joanna L. Grossman and Sarah F. Corning quite rightly called much of the reasoning of the opinion “nonsense.”…

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Preparing Precalculus Students for Future Calculus Success

Published: 2/21/2024 Reading Time: 4 minutes In addition to helping students gain the skills needed to be successful in Calculus, a mindfully designed Precalculus course can also help address poor study habits, fill gaps in foundational knowledge, influence a student’s math mindset and introduce useful skills for solving difficult problems. However, careful planning is necessary…

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Cash Vs. Accrual Basis Accounting: What’s the Difference?

One of the first decisions business owners must make is what type of accounting method they’ll use to track their income and expenses. There are two main methods of accounting: accrual accounting and cash accounting. Both are useful in certain scenarios, although for larger businesses, tax authorities in some geographies generally require accrual accounting be…

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Knoll What? – North Carolina Criminal Law

I have written before about the cache associated with a handful of unpublished opinions from the North Carolina Court of Appeals. Sure, they aren’t binding, but they can be persuasive. My guess is that the Court’s December 2023 opinion in State v. C.K.D.. No. COA23-204, 2023 WL 8748032, ___ N.C. App. ___, 895 S.E.2d 923…

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