Morning Docket: 04.26.24

* FEC complaint against Donald Trump after Daily Beast flagged curious vendor payments that might be cover for hiding campaign payments to lawyers. [USA Today] * The list of law schools dominating the federal clerkship market reveals the power of “affirmative action for conservatives” as law schools with no business being on the list at…

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International students “unfairly blamed” for Australian rental crisis

Research published by the Student Accommodation Council details that a rise in smaller and solo-person households, intrastate migration and a trend to re-purpose second bedrooms into home offices have all impacted supply and affordability of rents in Australia. The report states that international students have “unfairly worn” the blame for Australia’s rental crisis, adding that many complex factors have stymied supply…

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World Day for Safety and Health at Work

In the busy world, a core principle is essential across all industries, countries, and organisational levels: ensuring workplace safety and health. On 28 April, World Day for Safety and Health at Work is observed every year to raise awareness about creating environments where everyone can thrive while staying safe. The World Day for Safety and…

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News Roundup – North Carolina Criminal Law

A lawsuit has been filed against the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services and its secretary, asserting that the state’s lack of assessment and treatment services has resulted in people with severe mental disabilities suffering in county jails while waiting months for psychiatric services. The complaint—which can be accessed here—centers on those who…

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Budget 2024 Provides Additional Details For The Clean Electricity ITC And Adds Another ITC For Electric Vehicles –

In Budget 2024, the Government of Canada continued their drive to implement government incentives aimed at decarbonizing the economy through providing further clarification and design details for the Clean Electricity investment tax credit (the Clean Electricity ITC), and through providing an additional tax credit for electric vehicle manufacturers in the form of the EV Supply …

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