Is The Surrogacy Broker Really The Bad Guy?

(Image via Getty) Surrogacy arrangements have steadily gained acceptance in the United States. You probably even know someone who has used surrogacy to grow their family. Indeed, the typical surrogacy arrangement isn’t controversial or full of drama, despite what readers of this column might think! Generally, a woman is represented by an attorney and knowingly…

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Todd Blanche Asks Trump Jurors To Believe Ten Impossible Things Before Lunch Break

(Photo by Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images) On Monday, New York Court’s Chief Administrative Judge Joseph A. Zayas announced that the court will be publishing daily transcripts of Trump’s criminal trial along with the trial exhibits “to ensure broad and continuous public access to this extraordinarily high-profile case.” Arguably, “continuous public access” would involve livestreaming the…

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“politicians can’t control student desire”

The Indian election, which began on April 19 and will continue in phases until June 4, will see incumbent PM Narendra Modi face off with what has been described by one media outlet as a “broad but flailing alliance of opposition parties”. Speaking to Indian agents and experts in the international education sector, it seems…

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TikTok legislation sets grave precedent for free speech

President Biden today signed legislation that kickstarts a process to ban TikTok and empowers the president to block other communications platforms used by millions of Americans. By passing this bill into law, Congress has set a grave precedent for free speech by starting the clock on banning TikTok. FIRE opposed nearly identical legislation when it passed…

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