How Will Emotional Perception Impact The Patentability Of AI In The UK? – New Technology

In the potentially ground-breaking decision on Emotional Perception delivered late last year, the High Court found that a claim relating to a trained artificial neural network (ANN) did not fall foul of the recognised non-patentable subject matter exclusion for being a “computer program as such“. However, the UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO) is now appealing…

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Donald Trump, Not A Stand Up Guy (In The Courtroom At Least)

(Photographer: Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post/Bloomberg via Getty Images) By all accounts, Donald Trump has always been a nightmare of a client. But while he used to just stiff his attorneys after the fact, these days he’s pushing attorneys to take increasingly stupid and borderline (and potentially not-so-borderline) contemptuous moves. Like when Christina Bobb represented to…

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Court Of Appeal Clarifies Law On Qualified Privilege Defence In Defamation Claims Arising From Mass Media Publications – Libel & Defamation

Introduction A recent Court of Appeal Judgment, delivered by Mr Justice Brian O’Moore1 has clarified the law surrounding the defence of qualified privilege as provided for in S.18 of the Defamation Act 2009 (the “2009 Act”) in particular in relation to publications in the mass media. Background On 08 June 2016, Iconic Newspapers published an…

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