Excelencia in Education Publishes Analysis about Today’s Latino College Students

Latino college students are more likely to be first-generation students and less likely to leave college having earned their degrees, according to a new report from Excelencia in Education.Emily Labandera The April 2024 report uses publicly available data to provide readers with a “fundamental understanding” of who Latino students are, how they fit a “post-traditional…

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Enflasyon Düzeltmesi Nedeniyle 2024 Ve Devamında Karşılaşacağımız Tartışmalı Konular – Tax Authorities

31.12.2023 bilançoları Vergi Usul Kanunu’nun (VUK) Geçici 33. Maddesi uyarınca 2004 yılından beri geçen uzun süreden sonra enflasyon düzeltmesine tabi tutulan ilk bilançolardır. Şartların mevcudiyetine (içinde bulunulan dönem dahil son üç hesap döneminin kümülatif ÜFE artışının yüzde 100 ve içinde bulunulan hesap döneminin ÜFE artışının yüzde 10 olması) rağmen adı geçen düzenleme nedeniyle 2021 ve …

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Ninth Cohort of ELEVATE Fellows Announced

Dr. Katina Lang-Lindsey, an assistant professor at Alabama A&M University, has been named among the newest cohort of Enriching Learning, Enhancing Visibility & Training Educators (ELEVATE) at the Rutgers Center for Minority Serving Institutions.  Dr. Katina Lang-LindseyThe center has announced its plans to host this ninth annual early-career faculty training program June 12-14. The three-day…

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What teachers who suffer a personal injury at school need to know about workers compensation – Employee Benefits & Compensation

An article published in the Sydney Morning Herald reports that a rising number of teachers in New South Wales schools are suffering from psychological injuries caused by work pressure, bullying and exposure to violence in schools, tripling the total bill for injuries in the last six years. If you are a teacher and wish to …

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Michael Avenatti Takes Break From Serving Time In Federal Prison To Talk Trash About The Hush Money Case Against Donald Trump

Michael Avenatti (Photo by Jennifer S. Altman/For The Washington Post via Getty Images) Michael Avenatti isn’t known for his sound judgment. Sure, once upon a time (2018) he was lawyer of the year, but, what with the multiple convictions (defrauding former client Stormy Daniels through aggravated identity theft and wire fraud, trying to extort Nike,…

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