Risk ratings could ‘damage’ long term health of Australian education sector

In the wake of soaring international student visa rejections, 11 Australian universities and up to 100 colleges have recently had their risk rating downgraded, prompting further questions about government immigration policies and the competitiveness of the Australian education sector on the global stage. The risk ratings system was conceived as part of the simplified student…

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Views On The October 2023 Legislative Review Of The Cannabis Act Report –

This year, an independent expert panel was appointed to conduct a legislative review of the Cannabis Act. The panel heard from a wide range of different stakeholders and experts, including industry groups, consumers, public health officials, researchers and academics, youth groups, law enforcement, and First Nations communities, among others. In culmination of the expert panel’s …

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Enflasyon Düzeltmesinin Kâr Dağıtımına Etkileri – Corporate Tax

To print this article, all you need is to be registered or login on Mondaq.com. Düzeltme öncesinde bilançoda yer alan kârlarımızı dağıtabilecek miyiz ya da düzeltme öncesinde zararlı iken düzeltme ile kâra geçmişsek bu kârı dağıtabilecek miyiz? İçinde bulunduğumuz günlerde hararetle 31.12.2023 bilançolarının Vergi Usul Kanunu’nun (VUK) mükerrer 298/A maddesi kapsamında düzeltilmesiyle uğraşıyor ve…

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The Courage to Piece Back the Broken Paradox in Higher Education: Our Inner Work Can Change the Outer World – Faculty Focus

In my (re)reading of Parker Palmer’s The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher’s Life (1997) and its iterations, it becomes more obvious to me that Parker is a paradox savant.   “What makes a Rosa Parks?…What makes a Nelson Mandela? What makes these people is their capacity to take the inner life…

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