Brand Protection Law: Key Points On Passing Off Unregistered Trade Mark – Trademark

As businesses strive to distinguish themselves in the marketplace, the risk of deceptive practices (knowingly or unknowingly) by competitors increases. The intellectual property law offers protection to registered trade mark. However, owners of unregistered trade mark are not without some remedies if their mark has acquired some good will in the course of commerce. At…

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Biden-Harris Administration Announces New Plans for Debt Relief

The Biden-Harris Administration has released initial details of a new set of plans to provide student debt relief to borrowers nationwide. The plans would include 4 million borrowers who have already been approved for debt cancellation by the Biden-Harris Administration over the past three years. James Kvaal“These historic steps reflect President Biden’s determination that we…

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Aluminum Extrusions II – Scope Modifications Proposed, Dept. Of Commerce Questioning Manageability – International Trade & Investment

Since the last update on the AD / CVD aluminum extrusions investigation (dubbed Extrusions II) in what appears to be a response to strong opposition from trade industry groups, legislators, governments, and other interested parties, as well as dubious signals from the Department of Commerce, (Commerce) the Petitioners in the ongoing Aluminum Extrusions investigation have …

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NISAU UK launches Grad route campaign

The move by NISAU, one of the most prominent Indian student representative organisations in the UK, comes as home secretary James Cleverly announced plans recently to review the Graduate Route in the coming months. The Migration Advisory Committee has been tasked with reporting back the findings of its review of the post-study work visa by…

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Navigating Microaggressions: A Call for DEI Education

Picture this: you are in a hospital setting and you witness another staff member ask a Black medical student if they need help cleaning up. The staff member assumes the medical student is the janitor. Unfortunately, experiences like these are all too common in healthcare today. Within professional environments, microaggressions persist as a pervasive and…

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