TRAVONIA BROWN-HUGHES | Diverse: Issues In Higher Education

Travonia Brown-HughesTravonia Brown-Hughes has been appointed director for the Center for Outreach in Alzheimer’s Aging and Community Health at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. She served as an associate professor at the Hampton University School of Pharmacy. Brown-Hughes holds a bachelor’s degree in biology from Hampton University, a master’s in community health from…

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Who Trusts the Intelligence Community? | Joseph Margulies | Verdict

The Rand Corporation recently published a lengthy report on bias in the Intelligence Community. The report summarizes the enormous literature on this subject and reviews the many ways bias has bedeviled intelligence gathering and dissemination for decades. The authors also interviewed eleven former intelligence officials and sprinkle their reflections throughout the report, though these interviews…

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Gen Z as Donors: Ready or Not, Here They Come

Pipeline. Inclusivity. Omnichannel. Give-to-Get. Collective Impact. HENRYs. When it comes to analysis of donors by generation, the nonprofit blogosphere is full of flashy buzzwords, with many consultants and organizations offering their take on a “quick fix” for reaching and retaining the youngest alumni donors. The supposedly elusive “Gen Z” donors have been labeled difficult to…

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