How Investing In Ongoing Nonprofit Professional Development Keeps Fundraisers On The Ball And Ahead Of The Game

What do these scenarios have in common?   An organization in London raised five times its original fundraising goal on a particular project. A fundraising professional from Texas crafted a monthly giving program from scratch. A Nepalese fundraiser started the very first conference for fundraisers in his country. Each of those scenarios provides an example of…

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West Texas A&M President cancels student charity drag show for second time

Last week, West Texas A&M University President Walter Wendler told the Supreme Court that he was banning “any show, performance or artistic expression which denigrates others.”  Today President Wendler enforced his unconstitutional prior restraint by canceling a student-organized charity drag show for the second time.  Our clients remain disappointed by Wendler’s admitted disregard for the First Amendment….

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Missouri Solicitor General Josh Devine on government influence on social media

Advocates in Conversation By Nate Mowry on Mar 18, 2024 at 5:38 pm In this video, Nate Mowry interviews Missouri Solicitor General Josh Devine. Devine represents his state and several individual challengers, who argue that the federal government’s efforts to influence content moderation by social media platforms violates the First Amendment.     Recommended Citation:…

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