Capital Campaign Readiness: Is Your Case for Support Strong?

Ready to turn your campaign goals into reality? Don’t navigate the complexities alone. The Gail Perry Group offers free strategy calls with our experienced consultants. Reach out to to schedule your call today! When you are planning a capital campaign, one of your first projects will be to develop an Early Case for Support…

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Lower the First Amendment flags to half-mast, in memory of Bruce E.H. Johnson (1950-2024) — First Amendment News 437

Exceptional, renaissance, extraordinary, and generous. A brilliant First Amendment lawyer with an uninhibited passion for his calling. My friend, and that of many others: Bruce E.H. Johnson (1950-2024). Bruce’s unexpected passing weighs heavily on the hearts of those who knew this remarkable man; his intellect was amazing, his big-heartedness boundless, and he could also be profoundly…

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Rooting out bad arguments against free speech

If you find yourself almost anywhere in the southeastern United States in warmer months, you are bound to encounter great swaths of landscape entirely covered by big, leafy kudzu vines. In some places, it looks pretty. The vines can easily take over hillsides, powerlines, and abandoned buildings, and the resulting soft green landscape can be picturesque….

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Teaching conservatism on a liberal college campus

Can a course on conservatism shake up the liberal status quo on campus? Tufts University professor Eitan Hersh presents his unique class on American conservatism and its impact on campus free speech and open dialogue. He discusses the challenges and opportunities of teaching conservative thought in a predominantly liberal academic environment. Eitan Hersh is a…

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Can Lawyers Wear T-Shirts On Video Client Calls?

The pandemic-prompted proliferation of video conferencing began innocently enough, with lawyers porting their normal, in-office behavior to the online world. This lasted roughly 5 minutes before we started seeing folks naked at criminal hearings, naked at law school lectures, client meeting oral sex, and at least one famous legal analyst, um, brandishing his gavel? While…

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