Okay Boomer: Generational Differences Are Hurting Law Firms

Ed. Note: Welcome to our daily feature Trivia Question of the Day! According to a Law.com reader’s poll — “Them Versus Us: Are Generational Divides Affecting Law Firms?” — what percentage of respondents said generational difference in behaviors or attitudes hurt their law firm’s ability to operate effectively and / or achieve desired outcomes? Hint:…

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International K12 and HE providers continue to flock to Dubai

According to Dubai’s Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), the new schools will add more than 16,000 new places to the private school sector at various fee points. Director General of KHDA, Aisha Miran, said: “The growth in Dubai’s private education landscape reflects the emirate’s commitment to providing high quality, diverse educational options for learners…

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Eating Like A Lawyer — See Also

Insults To The Chef: Lawyer wanted for dine and dashing. Gasp! Hate Symbols Are Bad!: Judicial Committee says Confederate flag in judge’s chambers is part of why he should be removed. Guess They Should Have Given It Up: Soul singer Isaac Hayes’ estate sues Trump. Applications Are Up!: Check out the numbers! Much Harder To…

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Educator Certification Programs and Increasing the Use of Artificial Intelligence  – Faculty Focus

The professional world in educator certification and Educator Preparation Programs (EPP) has changed since the omnipresent technological advances that have invaded almost every aspect of life. The expectations of pre-service teachers and aspiring school administrators have a new focus that includes educator retention and artificial intelligence (AI). Educator retention is a pertinent concern because many…

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The Second Circuit Should Reverse a Misguided “Abortion Pill Reversal” Ruling | Michael C. Dorf | Verdict

Last week, a federal district judge in Buffalo, New York, issued a ruling enjoining the state attorney general, Letitia James, from enforcing state laws barring deceptive acts or practices and false advertising by crisis pregnancy centers that promote “abortion pill reversal” (APR). The judge said that enforcement of these laws against the plaintiffs would violate…

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NYU says anti-Zionist discrimination could violate student conduct rules

Listen to the article 7 min This audio is auto-generated. Please let us know if you have feedback. Dive Brief: Attacks on or discrimination against people because of their Zionist beliefs could violate New York University’s updated student nondiscrimination and anti-harassment guidance, drawing free speech concerns from some faculty members. On Aug. 22, university administrators…

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