Understanding Your Rights After a Pedestrian Accident

Pedestrian accidents can be life-altering, especially when they result in severe injuries and emotional trauma. When you’re involved in such an accident, you must understand your legal rights and the steps you need to take to protect yourself. Knowing your rights ensures that you can seek appropriate compensation for your injuries, medical bills, lost wages,…

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FRANCES TEVES | Diverse: Issues In Higher Education

Frances TevesFrances Teves has been appointed vice president for university advancement at Cal Poly Pomona. She served as interim vice president for university advancement. Teves holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from California State University, Fullerton, and a Master of Public Policy degree from the University of Southern California. #FRANCES #TEVES #Diverse #Issues #Higher #Education

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Senators Slam Book Dumping at New College of Florida

Sen. Susan CollinsU.S. Senators Patty Murray of Washington and Susan Collins of Maine expressed outrage over reports that New College of Florida discarded hundreds of books, including a book about their leadership in the Senate. The college reportedly disposed of library books that discussed LGBTQ+ topics and religious studies without offering them for purchase to…

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Law Students to Learn from Issa Rae’s Career

Georgia State University’s College of Law is introducing coursework this fall exploring the career of actor, writer, and producer Issa Rae. Issa RaeThe coursework, examining legal aspects of Rae’s career and work as an entrepreneur, is part of the Legal Life Of… course created by Mo Ivory, professor of practice and director of the Center…

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The Case for Graduate Application Fees

For the past several decades, graduate enrollment has been a secondary consideration for most institution-level planning. With demand from students on the undergraduate level decreasing and a recognition of the growth opportunities in graduate education, graduate enrollment management (GEM) professionals are increasingly getting what many have long sought–attention. While grad programs deserve the attention due…

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How To Check If You Qualify

Did you know Google awards nonprofits with free ad credits to boost their digital presence? It’s true, and it’s all thanks to a program called Google Ad Grants. Through this program, any organization that meets the Google Grants eligibility requirements receives a monthly grant of $10,000 to spend on Google Ads. When used effectively, this…

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