We Are “A Nation of Laws and Not Men,” But if Donald Trump is Elected President, His Appointment of Loyalists to Positions of Power Will Turn the United States Into a Nation Subservient to the Rule of One Man | Jon May | Verdict

At critical junctures in Donald Trump’s presidency, some individuals of unquestionable loyalty to the President stood up to Trump and refused to carry out his orders. Despite their prior service in advancing Trump’s policies, Trump viewed those acts of disobedience as betrayal. In the future, officials in the Trump administration will understand that loyalty means…

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Bye-Bye, Beijing — See Also

Another Firm Closes An Eastern Office: Perkins Coie is moving its Asia-centered hub. Do You Know About The Boogeymen?: These are the firms you don’t want to go up against. Another State Is Turning Away From NextGen: Nevada is cooking up a cool alternative. Why Does This Sliding Scale Have Branches?: You’ll have to work…

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New Publication on Driver’s License Revocations, Restorations and Privileges – North Carolina Criminal Law

I am thrilled to announce the availability of a new publication, Driver’s License Revocations, Restorations, and Limited Driving Privileges in North Carolina. This is the first School of Government publication that combines information on triggering events and convictions that lead to the revocation of a person’s North Carolina driver’s license, how and when driving privileges may…

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The State of Knowledge Management and Innovation in Legal, with Patrick DiDomenico and Joshua Fireman

On Oct. 17 and 18, 2024, two of the legal industry’s leading experts on knowledge management and innovation, Patrick DiDomenico, founder and CEO of InspireKM Consulting, and Joshua Fireman, president of Fireman & Company, which is owned by Epiq, the global provider of technology-enabled legal services, will present the second-annual KM&I for Legal Conference in…

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