New Publication on Driver’s License Revocations, Restorations and Privileges – North Carolina Criminal Law

I am thrilled to announce the availability of a new publication, Driver’s License Revocations, Restorations, and Limited Driving Privileges in North Carolina. This is the first School of Government publication that combines information on triggering events and convictions that lead to the revocation of a person’s North Carolina driver’s license, how and when driving privileges may be restored, and the limitations placed on driving privileges and restored licenses.

I hope the publication will be helpful to judicial officials, practitioners, and the public. For many defendants, the licensure consequences of a criminal charge or conviction can be as significant as any other consequence. And it is often difficult to piece together laws prescribing the length of a revocation, the availability of a limited driving privilege, and the limitations that apply to a person’s driving following revocation.

For years, I regularly consulted a table of license revocations and their corresponding limited privileges created by Matt Osborne, former deputy legal counsel at the Administrative Office of the Courts. That now dog-eared document was the inspiration for this expanded work. As for the expansion, it began as an Excel spreadsheet so chock full of information that it could not be printed in legible type. Kevin Justice, director of academic publications here at the School of Government, applied his magic to that madness and created a work that others could read and understand.

You may purchase a copy of the book from the School of Government bookstore here. The price is $13. If you order now, your book will be available to ship from the warehouse by September 27.

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