What Higher Ed IT Leaders Should Know About Infrastructure Modernization

As enrollment challenges continue to impact higher education, infrastructure modernization is critical for institutions aiming to stay at the forefront. As technology evolves, colleges and universities must adapt by refreshing their infrastructure to ensure greater efficiency, improved security and the ability to scale rapidly. When institutions delay infrastructure refresh cycles, they face increased maintenance costs…

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Kamala Harris comedy roast denied funding by University of South Carolina student senate

The University of South Carolina has taken a noble stand in defense of free speech by refusing to cancel a controversial comedy roast of Vice President Kamala Harris. Unfortunately, the USC student senate didn’t follow suit. USC student group Uncensored America hosted former Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos and Proud Boys co-founder Gavin McInnes for yesterday’s event,…

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Nepalese students see 65% hike in UK visa approvals

The UK issued over 432,000 sponsored student visas to main applicants international students in the year ending 2024 – 13% lower than the same period last year, according to the report by ApplyBoard. The report called for institutions to focus on recruiting from the emerging student populations, as the restriction on dependants continues to result…

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Civil Rights Leaders Endorse Freedom to Learn Campaign

Coinciding with the 60th anniversary of Freedom Summer 1964, civil rights leaders are continuing their calls to reject attacks against hard-fought civil rights victories. Civil rights organizations — including the National Urban League, National Action Network, NAACP, National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational…

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MACARIO HERNANDEZ | Diverse: Issues In Higher Education

Dr. Macario HernandezMacario Hernandez has been appointed president of Dallas College’s Mountain View Campus. He served as chief of staff at the University of North Texas at Dallas. Hernandez holds an associate degree from Dallas College, a bachelor’s degree from the University of North Texas, a master’s from Texas Woman’s University, and a doctorate from…

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Universities face constraints in efforts to build more graduate student housing, Moody’s says

Dive Brief: Building affordable housing for graduate students is becoming increasingly important for universities — but inflation, interest rates and other challenges are likely to constrain projects in the short term, according to a July report from Moody’s.  Institutions have looked to fill the need through partnerships with private developers, analysts with the ratings agency…

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