Hunter Biden Joins Rudy Giuliani As Law License Also Suspended In D.C.

hunter biden

Hunter Biden (Photo by Moses Robinson/Getty Images for Usher’s New Look Foundation)

Rudy Giuliani did more than almost anyone to flog the story of Hunter Biden’s laptop. Giuliani’s efforts in convincing the right-wing echo chamber that the laptop Biden left in a repair shop should join the Necronomicon and the Spellbook from Hocus Pocus in the pantheon of evil texts. Hunter sued Giuliani for hacking, but ultimately agreed to drop the suit.

Most of the scandalous theories based on the laptop (at least those based on data that actually could be verified by forensics examiners, which a lot of the “laptop” data circulating based on purported copies of the laptop could not be) made no sense. The confused jumble of half-baked corruption claims based on emails written when his dad wasn’t even in public office didn’t end up having much bearing on the actual crime of lying about past drug history to buy a gun.

But now their fates are tied in another way as Hunter joins Rudy in having his D.C. law license suspended.

It’s not exactly surprising — professional responsibility watchdogs should get involved when a lawyer is convicted of multiple felonies. Just as much as they should if an attorney breaches ethical rules trying to unravel an election.

At this point, it’s unclear if Hunter has any interest in contesting the suspension. He doesn’t really make his living as a lawyer at this point anyway. But for this moment, he and Rudy are again intertwined as suspended lawyers.

At least until D.C. finishes the job with Rudy’s all but inevitable disbarment.

Earlier: Hunter Biden Sues Rudy Giuliani For Computer Hacking
DC Bar Panel Recommends Permanent Disbarment For Wrecking Ball Rudy

HeadshotJoe Patrice is a senior editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news. Joe also serves as a Managing Director at RPN Executive Search.

#Hunter #Biden #Joins #Rudy #Giuliani #Law #License #Suspended #D.C

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