Getting wages right – criminalisation and increased penalties – Employee Rights/ Labour Relations

Underpayment of wages and wage theft will no longer be
tolerated, with the Federal Government implementing significant
measures in the Closing Loophole legislation to deter and punish
non-payment of the correct wages to workers.

Likely from 1 January 2025, employers will be subject to new
laws that criminalise the underpayment of wages and other monetary
benefits. If found guilty, an employer may face significant
financial penalties. Individuals may face prison. It is serious

From 27 February 2024 the maximum civil penalty for
underpayments increased. Even larger exposure to penalties commence
when the wage theft provisions commence.

Employers are rightly concerned. Underpayments happen. They
shouldn’t, but they do. Complying with Australian industrial
laws – which are changing all the time – can be challenging and
difficult. Individual circumstances can be complicated. Industrial
instruments are typically difficult to interpret. Implementation of
wage rules is sometimes imperfect. Even the most sophisticated
organisations can slip-up.

But these new laws are not aimed at putting away bosses who make
mistakes. Rather, they are there to punish employers who
intend to underpay employees and those that do not
take measures to ensure and audit for compliance.

It is important the employers are aware of this new crime and
what steps can be taken to avoid prosecution. In this article, we
break down each element of the offence and consider the nuances of
what “intention” means. We outline the new civil
remedy penalties. We explore options to mitigate risk.

Criminal wage theft – all attention will be on intention

Section 327A(1) of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) spells
out four elements of the new offence:

  1. the employer is required to pay an amount to, on behalf of, or
    for the benefit of, an employee under the FW Act, a fair work
    instrument, or a transitional instrument;

  2. the required amount is not an excluded amount;

  3. the employer engages in conduct; and

  4. the conduct results in a failure to pay the required amount to,
    on behalf of, or for the benefit of, the employee in full on or
    before the day when the required amount is due for payment.

The first two elements may appear complicated given how wordy
they are. But they are relatively straightforward.

Firstly, the employer must be required to pay an employee an
entitlement. That entitlement must come from a specific legal
source. It could come from the FW Act, a modern award or an
enterprise agreement.

Secondly, the amount cannot be an excluded amount. There
won’t be many excluded amounts. Superannuation and some long
service leave may be exempt. But it is important to check.

Both elements are “absolute liability
provisions. That means that the prosecutor does not need to prove
what the employer knew or intended. The amount was either required
to be paid or it was not.

The last two elements are different. Here,
intention” is a fundamental aspect of proving
the offence. If there is no intention, there is no crime.

Under the Criminal Code, intention is defined as one of
three things:

  • a person has intention with respect to conduct if he or she
    means to engage in that conduct; or

  • a person has intention with respect to a circumstance if he or
    she believes that it exists or will exist; or

  • a person has intention with respect to a result if he or she
    means to bring it about or is aware that it will occur in the
    ordinary course of events.

The first definition is common sense. If you
mean” to do something, you
intend” to do it.

But what if an employer thought it was possible that the payment
was an underpayment, but did not take steps to check?

This is where the new laws become complicated. The question is
whether “intention” in this new regime includes

On one view, the Criminal Code describes indifference.
For example, an employer who learns there is an error in their
payroll system causing an underpayment but does nothing about it.
That conduct seems to fit the bill.

On another view, the Criminal Code also provides a
different definition for “recklessness“. A
person is “reckless” to a result if they are
aware of a substantial risk that a result will occur (i.e.
underpayment) and, despite what they know,
unjustifiably” take that risk. This, too,
describes indifference.

Technically, a person does not commit wage theft if they are
reckless” about an underpayment. It is not a
fault element. Rather, they must “intend” to do

It is not clear whether indifference falls into either
intentional” or “reckless
conduct, or both. The distinction is fine. It may even seem to be
splitting hairs. But this issue will likely come to the fore at
some point. It may even be determinative of a particular case.

Honest mistakes or miscalculations will not be caught by the
wage theft offence.

Consequences for wage theft

The consequence for wage theft depends on who is guilty.

If a corporation engages in wage theft, then it
could be fined greater of either:

  • $7,825,000; or

  • if the court can figure out the value of the underpayment -
    three times that amount.

If an individual engages in wage theft,

  • they could face up to 10 years imprisonment; or

  • be fined the greater of either:

    • $1,565,000; or

    • if the court can figure out the value of the underpayment -
      three times that amount.

New civil penalties

For civil remedy provisions related to underpayments (including
sham contracting and unlawful job advertisements), maximum
penalties for bodies corporate that are not small business
employers will increase. Maximum penalties for these provisions
will be the greater of:

  • 1,500 penalty units ($469,500) (currently 300 penalty units or
    $93,900); or

  • three times the amount of the underpayment, if the applicant
    seeks this kind of penalty.

For serious contraventions, maximum penalties for bodies
corporate that are not small businesses will increase to the
greater of:

  • 15,000 penalty units ($4,695,000) (currently 3,000 penalty units
    or $939,000)

  • three times the amount of any associated underpayment, if the
    applicant seeks this kind of penalty.

The increased penalties commenced on 27 February 2024. The
‘three times’ component commences when the wage theft laws

Take steps to protect the business

Now is the time to take active steps to get payroll in order and
avoid underpayments. This is especially so for organisations that
are unsure about whether there is total compliance (and suspects
there may not be).

Some practical measures include:

  • identify all applicable industrial laws and instruments
    (particularly for organisations that operate across multiple
    industries or have a diverse workforce);

  • conduct a review of work performed by staff and ensuring that
    those staff are correctly graded against a modern award or
    enterprise agreement;

  • review payroll rules to ensure they are consistent with
    applicable industrial instruments;

  • consider whether record keeping systems are recording accurate
    and reliable information;

  • conduct regular audits to identify and rectify compliance
    issues; and

  • undertake training for those responsible for wage compliance,
    including managers, ensuring payments are made in an accurate and
    timely manner.

Because of the potential for criminal prosecution, and increase
penalties, it is important to seek legal advice to ensure
compliance with obligations. Business would be well advised to
consider an audit – and establishing a baseline – this
year, to demonstrate compliance and good corporate governance for
when the new laws commence.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.

#wages #criminalisation #increased #penalties #Employee #Rights #Labour #Relations

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