Australia’s landmark ban on engineered stone – protecting workers from silicosis – Health & Safety

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In a pivotal move to safeguard the health of its workers,
Australia has banned the use of engineered stone, effective
from 1 July 2024 in most states and territories. This landmark
decision stems from mounting concerns regarding the detrimental
health impacts of engineered stone on workers, primarily due to its
association with
silicosis, a potentially fatal lung disease caused by inhaling
of silica dust. This article looks at what engineered stone is and
what the ban might mean for the industry moving forward.

What is engineered stone?

Engineered stone, a popular material in the building,
construction, and renovation industry, has gained widespread use in
recent years for its durability, aesthetic appeal, and versatility.
Composed mainly of quartz, it has been favoured for kitchen
countertops, bathroom vanities, and various other applications in
both residential and commercial settings. However, this seemingly
innocuous material has been linked to severe health hazards related
to the inhalation of crystalline silica dust during its fabrication
and installation.

What is silicosis and why the link from engineered

Silicosis, an incurable lung disease caused by prolonged
inhalation of silica dust, has emerged as a critical concern among
workers in the stone fabrication, construction and building
industry. Engineered stone, when cut, ground, or polished, releases
hazardous silica particles into the air, exposing workers to
significant health risks. Silicosis can manifest in various forms,
from chronic to accelerated and acute, severely compromising
respiratory function and, in some cases, leading to death.

Australia’s decision to ban the use of engineered stone
reflects a proactive approach toward prioritising the health and
well-being of its workers. By implementing this ban, the government
aims to mitigate the potential risks associated with silica
exposure by preventing further cases of silicosis and safeguarding
the health of those employed in the building and construction and
stonemasonry sectors.

However, while this ban addresses a critical concern, it also
presents multifaceted implications for various stakeholders within
the industry. Businesses involved in the production and
installation of engineered stone may face significant challenges in
adapting to alternative materials and production methods.
Additionally, there may be economic ramifications, including
potential job losses and adjustments in the supply chain which may
take sometime to readjust and to be adequately understood.

Transitioning away from engineered stone will require concerted
efforts and investments in research and development to identify
safer alternatives that meet both aesthetic and functional
requirements. Natural stone, solid surface materials, and other
innovative substitutes may emerge as viable options, but
their adoption will necessitate industry-wide collaboration and
adaptation in addition to safe guarding against other dust-related
illness caused by exposure to various dusts.

Moreover, stringent enforcement and compliance of workplace
health and safety regulations will be paramount to protect workers
from exposure to silica dust, and other dusts regardless of the
alternate materials used. Implementing comprehensive safety
protocols, providing adequate training, and ensuring the use of
appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) will be essential
in preventing the ongoing occupational hazards associated with
silica and other dust exposure.

The ban on engineered stone in Australia

The ban on engineered stone in Australia echoes global efforts
to address occupational health risks associated with silica
exposure. Similar concerns have prompted actions and regulations in
various countries worldwide, underscoring the urgency of
prioritising worker safety within the construction and stone
fabrication industries. Australia will look to ban the import of all engineered stone to
provide an additional layer of enforcement and deterrence but a
date for implementation of this ban is still to be worked out at a
later time.

While the ban signifies a significant step forward in protecting
workers’ health, it also highlights the imperative for ongoing
research, education, and policy initiatives to address occupational
health hazards comprehensively. Collaborative efforts among
government agencies, industry stakeholders, healthcare
professionals, and advocacy groups will be instrumental in shaping
effective policies and practices aimed at ensuring a safe and
healthy work environment for all moving forward.

Australia’s decision to ban the use of engineered stone from
1 July 2024 in most states and territories reflects a commendable
commitment to safeguarding workers from the hazards of silica
exposure and silicosis. This proactive measure underscores the
importance of prioritising occupational health and safety and calls
for concerted efforts to explore safer alternatives and enforce
stringent regulations. By prioritising the well-being of its
workers, Australia sets a precedent for proactive measures in
addressing occupational health risks, fostering a safer and
healthier work environment for all people.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.

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