Advertising Law In Nigeria And What Advertising Companies Have To Keep In Mind – Advertising, Marketing & Branding

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As a leading Entertainment law firm in Lagos, Nigeria, we
regularly advise Advertising companies. We often find that
Advertising companies incur legal problems mainly due to lack of
proper legal advice and at times honest mistakes or omissions.
However these failures can often result in costing the advertising
agency a lot of money and could also cost the advertising agency
important clients.

Sources of Legal Mistakes

So, what are the legal mistakes that advertising companies
normally make? The Advertising business like any other business has
legal obligations; regulatory and compliance obligations such as
corporate and tax obligations of a general business nature.
However, we have notices that most of the mistake arise as result
of either

  1. Failure to comply with applicable regulations or

  2. Failure to comply with applicable statutes or

  3. Failure to comply with contractual terms and obligations

  4. Defects in contract drafting or

  5. Poor dispute management and resolution or

  6. Poor Intellectual Property Asset management or

  7. It can also be a combination of one or more of the above.

Failure to Comply With Applicable Regulations

Advertising Practitioner’s Council of Nigeria
 was established in 1988, and APCON says it
was established “to control and regulate advertising in all
its aspects and ramifications”.

However Section 1 of the Advertising Practitioners
(Registration Etc.) Act
 clearly shows that APCON was
established to register advertising practitioners and regulate
their practice of advertising. The Court of Appeal has also
determined in MIC ROYAL LTD v. APCON (2018)
that the scope and extent of the
APCON Act is limited to the regulation and control of practitioners
of the profession of advertising.

The Governing Board of APCON approves the Nigerian
Code of Advertising Practice and Sales Promotion 
is binding on all persons registered as advertising practitioners,
and applies to the entire content of an advertisement including
words, numbers, presentations, music, sound effects and exposure.
The Code bothers on legality, decency, honesty etc. of

It further states that all categories of advertisements must be
vetted by Advertising Standards Panel
a statutory committee of APCON except:

  1. Vacancies;

  2. Notices;

  3. Financial Statements;

  4. Goodwill messages;

  5. Obituaries;

  6. Immemorial

Categories such as Foods, Consumables, Person Hygiene, Drinks,
Cosmetics, Over-the Counter Medicines, Tobacco Promotions,
Financial Services, Religious Programmes, Corporate Advertisements
of Regulated Products or General Nature, Telecommunications, Etc.
must be vetted before exposure or publication.

It is important to advertising companies to know these
regulations or have a lawyer focused on Entertainment Law practice
who can help advise you on the regulations. The Failure to have
proper legal advice is costly

Penalties for lack of compliance include:A minimum penalty of
N200, 000 (Two Hundred Thousand Naira) for a media house that
publishes an advertisement that was not approved;

  • A minimum penalty of N200, 000 (Two Hundred Thousand Naira) for
    an agency that places for publication of an advertisement that was
    not approved;

  • An advertising practitioner may be subject to disciplinary
    procedure for publishing or aiding in the publication of an
    unapproved advertisement.

  • An advertisement may be discontinued or its publication and
    exposure stopped not minding huge costs that may have gone into its

  • An advertisement may be unapproved and therefore useless and a
    financial loss to both the advertiser and the agency

  1. Failure to Comply with Other Regulations

There are other regulatory bodies and agencies of government
that regulate advertising for various sectors and products. For
example;National Agency for Food and Drugs
Administration and Control (NAFDAC) 
some restrictions for the advertising of certain products within
its regulatory control.

– Guidelines For Advertisement Of NAFDAC
Regulated Products In Nigeria
Advertisement of food
and drugs should be approved by NAFDAC before airing, exposure or

  • Advertisement materials for Prescription-only-Medicines (POM)
    must contain abridged prescribing information including
    composition, indication, dosage, administration, adverse effects,
    drug interactions, contraindications, warnings and

  • Advertising materials of alcoholic beverages must include the
    phrases “18+” and “Drink

  • Advertisement of Over-the Counter (OTC) medicines should
    include the Caveat “If Symptoms Persists after 3
    Days, Consult Your Doctor/Physician”.

  • Herbal medicinal products (without established clinical
    studies) labels and advert materials shall include the
    caveat, “These claims have not been evaluated by

Although the NAFDAC regulations on advertisements have no
express sanctions for lack of compliance, Section 25 of
the NAFDAC Act prescribes fines between
N50, 000.00, N100, 000.00 and/or prison terms of one year for
individuals, corporate persons, directors and other principal
officers of non-compliant companies as the case may be.

If you are advertising Cosmetics, Food or Drugs, the
provisions under the National Drug Formulating and
Essential Drug List Act
 and The
Food and Drugs Act needs to be kept in mind.

The National Broadcasting Corporation
 is mandated to foster the monitoring,
broadcasting for harmful emission, interference and illegal

Additionally, Lagos State Signage and
 (LASAA) are
established for the management, regulation and control of the
signage and outdoor advertising environment in Lagos State. Thus,
they manage all forms of signage and outdoor branding opportunities
in Lagos State.

The Nigerian Communications Commission
 has been given powers under
the Nigerian Communications Actand
the Nigeria Communications (Enforcement Processes,
etc.) Regulations 2005
to publish guidelines
specifying minimum standards and requirements in respect of
advertisements and promotions of products and services by licensees
for the purposes of protecting consumers and ensuring ethical
marketing and promotional standards by licensees.

Under the Nigerian Communications Commission
Guidelines on Advertisements and Promotions 2011
The Commission reserves the right to place
appropriate sanctions on defaulting licensees including fines in
several millions of Naira and withdrawal or suspension of
operator’s license.

Furthermore, The Consumer Protection
 has made the Consumer
Protection (Sales Promotions) Regulations.

Sales promotions with prizes worth more the N250, 000 must be
registered. Lack of compliance could attract fines or preclusion
from carrying on or conducting the sales promotion permanently or
for a specified duration.

Defects in Contract Drafting

An advertising agreement is a contract between a person or
company who wants to promote their products on the one side (the
Advertiser) and person or company who would help advertise their
product and help them in reaching the mass on the other side (the

The possible defects in an advertising agreement will depend on
the type of advertising services required; creative services,
production services and/or media services – in some instances
public relations services may be involved.

  1. Medium/media: This has to do with HOW the
    advertisement is delivered to the public; this could be by print,
    electronic, online etc. media. It is important to clearly specify
    this so that advertising materials would be specially prepared for
    the applicable media. Failure to clarify this could be costly. This
    term will also determine what kind of arrangements the agency will
    enter into with third parties and suppliers. It will also provide
    an important guide for clarity on scope of work.

  1. Payment:  Failing to clearly state how
    much is to be paid, when payment will be due, whether payment is to
    be made in installments, whether commissions are also to be
    chargeable, what fees are for what particular services, and such
    other considerations could be very costly.

  1. Competition:  It can cause an advertising
    agency potential new clients or old clients, if to what extent an
    agency can work for competitors in a market is not well stated in
    advertising contracts. An error of this nature can cause agencies
    not to take on some new clients, or stop working with some

  1. Confidentiality:  Information can be very
    valuable, and care must be taken to ensure that a confidentiality
    clause is not too broad as to cover information that parties may
    already have. Otherwise, one may find that one is precluded from
    using valuable information in other transactions simply because
    such was also  disclosed in the course of the
    performance of an advertising agreement.

  1. Legal and Compliance Issues:  One should
    be careful to avoid advertising obligations that are contrary to
    laws and regulations. Any such services or clauses that breach
    legal provisions will cause disputes later on when it comes to
    performance. The disputes may become complex and expensive as
    significant resources may have been expended already, and the
    agency may already be liable for a variety of penalties and/or
    incurred unexpected costs, which may not be subject to

  1. Indemnification:  Advertising agreements
    should provide for adequate indemnification for losses incurred by
    one party on account of the conduct or failure of the other

  1. Intellectual Property:  This is very
    important not just for the advertising agreement, but with third
    party contracts too. There is a very important need also for
    agreements with creators of all kinds to be alignment with the
    advertising agreement. Conflicts in this area could be costly to
    the agency. For instance, if the advertising agreement requires
    full assignment of rights in favor of the advertiser but agreements
    with creators only acquire limited licenses.

  1. It is also important to properly spell out ownership of all
    intellectual property created during the performance of advertising

  1. it is important to set out all the details explicitly in the
    agreement with regards to whether any additional remuneration would
    be payable by the company to the advertiser for creating any
    Intellectual property, consequences for non-disclosure of
    intellectual property, whether the advertiser after the termination
    of the agreement would be allowed to use the intellectual property,

Failure to comply with contractual terms and obligations

Failing to meet contractual obligations can cause a person to
incur serious consequences. A lot of money may have to be spent for
legal services, settlement fees or payment of damages. It is best
to comply or renegotiate terms of a contract, particularly terms
such as the foregoing.

Poor Dispute Management and Resolution

A stitch in time saves nine. When things go wrong in the
performance of advertising obligations, it is best not to allow
disputes escalate or endure to the extent that it affects other
obligations, particularly with third parties. Many disputes end up
being more costly simply because they were not properly

Poor Intellectual Property Asset management

In the advertising business, a lot of intellectual property,
mostly copyright is developed; literary and musical works, dramatic
and audiovisual works, sound recordings, artistic works and
photographs etc. are all made.

A good record of ownership and authorizations for the use of
these works should be kept and constantly examined. Otherwise,
works could be used by persons without authorizations to use them
or beyond authorized durations, territories or purposes.

Where works are used without appropriate authorizations,
liability for infringement occurs and these could amount to having
to pay compensations and for legal services far exceeding what
proper authorizations would have cost.


After examining all the various costly legal mistakes that one
could make in the advertising business, the next natural question
would be how to avoid these mistakes. The answer is obvious –
the engagement of competent legal professional to oversee the legal
and compliance matters in the advertising industry. It is important
that Entertainment Law, Copyright Law, Intellectual property law
and sector specific knowledge is needed for any lawyer in Nigeria
to advise on the laws and regulations surrounding advertising. As
lawyers specialized in the field of Entertainment law, Media Law
and Intellectual Property Law we regularly advise Media and
Advertising companies.

Originally published 15 Febuary 2022

The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.

#Advertising #Law #Nigeria #Advertising #Companies #Mind #Advertising #Marketing #Branding

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