Summary Of Key Recent U.S. Antitrust Developments – Antitrust, EU Competition

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March 20, 2024 –  Over the past 12
months, the Biden administration continued its aggressive
enforcement of the federal antitrust laws, although the rate at
which the enforcement agencies have filed cases has slowed down
compared to the first two years of President Biden’s term.
The FTC and DOJ’s focus on the technology sector has
continued, even though both agencies have also filed substantial
cases across a range of other industries. The two enforcement
agencies closed out 2023 with several significant wins. Their
successes, however, have been tempered by a federal judiciary that
is generally skeptical of the Biden administration’s
expansive views of antitrust enforcement. 2023 also saw an
emboldened plaintiffs’ bar targeting a range of industries,
including the real estate sector, technology, and healthcare

We expect these antitrust enforcement trends to continue through
the end of President Biden’s current term, with the longer
term outlook depending in part on the results of the upcoming
presidential election and any changes in agency leadership early
next year. Below is a summary of some of the most significant
recent developments.

Agency Developments

  • At the close of 2023, the FTC and DOJ Antitrust
    Division published their long anticipated updated Merger
    The Guidelines reflect the heightened
    antitrust scrutiny the Biden administration believes is necessary
    to combat increasing consolidation that it claims has reduced
    competition in the U.S. economy over the past several decades. The
    Guidelines adopt a revised structure compared to the guidelines
    promulgated in 1982 during the Reagan administration and revised in
    1992 and 2010 during the Clinton and Obama administrations.
    Importantly, for the first time since 1992, the two agencies will
    now have a single set of Merger Guidelines that, in different
    sections, address both horizontal and vertical mergers and
    acquisitions, as well as mergers with or of potential

  • The FTC published a proposed rulemaking in June
    overhauling pre-merger notification requirements under the
    Hart-Scott-Rodino (HSR) Act.
     FTC Chair Lina Khan
    described the proposal as the culmination of the first
    “top-to-bottom review” since the HSR Act was passed in
    1976. The changes are generally expected to make the preparation of
    HSR filings a lengthier and more burdensome process. Among the
    proposed changes, the new rule would require filing parties to make
    additional disclosures, including information about a
    transaction’s “strategic rationale,”
    “information about existing or potential vertical, or supply,
    relationships between the filing persons,” information on how
    the transaction may impact the relevant labor markets, and details
    regarding previous acquisitions by the merging parties. The comment
    period for the proposed rulemaking has closed, but the FTC has yet
    to announce when it will issue its final rule.

  • In January of 2023, the FTC proposed a rule that would
    ban post-employment non-compete clauses in agreements between
    employers and workers. 
    The rule would make an
    exception in limited cases in connection with the sale of a
    business. In public comments, many business groups expressed strong
    objections to classifying such non-competes as “unfair methods
    of competition.” The FTC is expected to take a final vote on
    the proposed rule in April 2024. If the FTC issues the rule in its
    current form, these groups are expected to bring court challenges
    to the commission’s authority to impose the

Merger Litigation

  • FTC data show increased scrutiny of pharmaceutical and
    healthcare mergers. 
    Data released by the FTC in
    December indicates that since 2020, DOJ and the FTC have been much
    more likely to issue second requests in pharmaceutical and
    healthcare mergers than in previous years. Enforcement actions in
    other industries appear not to have spiked to the same extent,
    perhaps because the Biden administration’s pledges to
    strengthen enforcement have deterred potentially anticompetitive
    mergers across the board. The FTC data show that HSR filings
    involving producers of products and services within the same
    industry classification code has declined by 50% since a recent
    peak in 2019.

  • The DOJ secured two notable wins in the District of
    Massachusetts in the airline industry.
     In May, Judge
    Sorokin ordered JetBlue and American Airlines to terminate their
    joint venture, the Northeast Alliance, following a September 2022
    trial in which DOJ and several state attorneys general challenged
    the alliance as a de facto merger. The court rejected the
    airlines’ contention that the alliance would increase
    competition with market leaders Delta and United. It found instead
    that the alliance violated Section 1 of the Sherman Act because it
    increased fares and reduced choices for flights between Boston and
    New York. In January 2024, Judge Young blocked JetBlue’s
    proposed acquisition of Spirit Airlines, finding at trial that the
    deal would harm cost-conscious flyers and reduce competition in
    multiple markets nationwide.

  • In October, a federal court in San Francisco denied the
    FTC’s request for a preliminary injunction to block
    Microsoft’s acquisition of videogame developer Activision
     The FTC argued that the vertical
    combination of Microsoft’s Xbox gaming system and
    Activision’s Call of Duty game within one firm would harm
    competition by allowing and incentivizing Microsoft to withhold the
    game from rival consoles. The defendants attempted to address the
    FTC’s concerns with a “fix,” the specific terms of
    which were not publicly disclosed but reportedly included a
    commitment to make Call of Duty available on Sony PlayStation and
    Nintendo Switch consoles. The court considered the proposed fix at
    the liability stage of the litigation over objections from the FTC,
    arguing that it should wait until the remedy stage of litigation.
    The court declined to issue a preliminary injunction, ultimately
    finding that Microsoft lacked sufficient incentive to make access
    to Call of Duty exclusive. The parties closed the transaction in
    October 2023.

  • In late December, the Fifth Circuit affirmed the
    viability of the FTC’s theory of vertical harm in one of its
    merger challenges and set out standards for litigating proposed
    deal fixes. 
    The case, Illumina v. FTC, centered on
    the FTC’s challenge to Illumina’s vertical acquisition
    of Grail, the producer of early detection cancer tests that use
    gene sequencers made by Illumina. The FTC alleged that the
    transaction would harm Grail’s competitors by foreclosing
    their access to Illumina’s next-generation gene sequencing
    platform. The appeals court upheld the FTC’s decision to
    block the transaction, finding, among other things, that Illumina
    bore the burden to show the remedy rebutted the government’s
    prima facie case. Illumina has announced plans to unwind the
    transaction, making it the first time in decades that either the
    FTC or DOJ successfully challenged a vertical merger in court.

  • In February 2024, the FTC filed an enforcement action
    to block Kroger’s proposed acquisition of Albertsons, the
    largest supermarket merger in U.S. history.
     In its
    complaint filed in the District of Oregon, the FTC alleged that the
    deal would eliminate competition between the grocery chains in
    multiple local markets nationwide, leading to higher prices for
    groceries and other household goods and, in a novel claim, that the
    combination would threaten employees’ ability to secure
    higher pay and better working conditions. This is the first time
    the FTC has challenged a merger in court due to its impact on labor
    markets. As in other recent merger challenges, the FTC alleged that
    the parties’ proposed fixes to address the agency’s
    antitrust concerns were inadequate. The court has scheduled a
    hearing on the FTC’s request for a preliminary injunction for
    the end of August.

Criminal Antitrust Cases

  • In April, a Connecticut federal judge entered a
    judgment of acquittal at the trial of several aerospace executives
    in a no-poach case. 
    The court tossed out allegations
    by DOJ that the defendants had orchestrated an employee
    “no-poach” agreement that would unlawfully restrict
    recruitment and hiring among subcontractors to Pratt & Whitney.
    The court, in United States v. Patel, found that “no
    reasonable juror could conclude that there was a ‘cessation of
    meaningful competition in the allocated market.'” The
    decision was a further blow to DOJ’s efforts to bring
    “no-poach” claims, having failed to win a single jury
    conviction to date.

  • The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals overturned an
    antitrust conviction of an engineering firm executive in
    In United States v. Brewbaker, the court
    found that the DOJ’s allegation of a “hybrid”
    restraint involving two firms with both vertical and horizontal
    relationships did not constitute a per se antitrust violation. The
    case involved allegations that two firms—Contech
    Engineered Solutions
    and Pomona Pipe
     (Pomona)—coordinated their bids for
    work with the North Carolina Department of Transportation. DOJ
    alleged that Contech and one of its executives, Brent Brewbaker,
    asked Pomona for its anticipated bid prices so that it could
    deliberately submit a higher bid, ensuring that Pomona secured the
    contract and enabling Contech to profit from the scheme by
    supplying Pomona with aluminum parts. The court held that because
    the alleged restraint had both vertical and horizontal components,
    the alleged conduct was subject to the rule of reason and that only
    purely horizontal restraints are subject to the per se standard.
    The Fourth Circuit denied the DOJ’s petition for rehearing en

Civil Antitrust Cases

  • Google is facing a flurry of civil lawsuits alleging
    anticompetitive conduct involving a range of
    In November, the evidentiary phase of a
    bench trial concluded in a case brought by DOJ and 49 state
    attorneys general in the District of D.C., alleging that Google has
    maintained monopolies in the internet search market, including in
    general search services, search advertising, and general search
    text advertising. Closing arguments are scheduled for May 2024,
    with the decision likely to come later this year. Google faces
    another upcoming trial in a Virginia federal court on allegations
    by DOJ and several states that the company maintained a monopoly in
    digital advertising technologies. The complaint, filed in January
    of 2023, alleges that Google violated Sections 1 and 2 of the
    Sherman Act by eliminating ad-tech competitors through
    acquisitions, wielding its market dominance to force more firms to
    use its products and to thwart their ability to use competing
    tools. Google has also faced multiple private lawsuits alleging
    that its control over its Play app store on Android devices was
    anticompetitive. In December, a San Francisco jury found in favor
    Epic Games, developer of the game Fortnite, finding that the fees
    Google charges on in-app transactions violated U.S. antitrust laws.
    Google has asked the court to either overturn the jury verdict or
    grant a new trial. In September, Google settled similar claims
    regarding its app store that were brought by 30 state attorneys
    general. Google also faces claims by multiple newspaper publishers,
    including Gannett, that it maintains a monopoly in the digital
    advertising marketplace.

  • In an antitrust class action in the Western District of
    Missouri, a jury found that the National Association of Realtors
    (NAR) and certain other residential real estate brokerages
    conspired to maintain artificially high commissions on residential
    real estate transactions.
     The jury awarded the class
    of affected homeowners in three states nearly $1.8 billion in
    damages. The allegations centered on certain provisions of
    NAR’s listing rules for regional Multiple Listing Services
    (MLS), where most homes are listed for sale. The rules required
    that listing brokers make offers of compensation for buyers’
    broker commissions, which plaintiffs alleged were essentially
    nonnegotiable and artificially raised the commissions that sellers
    had to pay to buyers’ brokers. The jury found that the
    provisions had the effect of raising buyer brokers’
    commission rates, resulting in higher costs for the sellers, and
    therefore constituting an unreasonable restraint on trade. Since
    the decision in Missouri, numerous class actions making similar
    allegations against NAR and regional real-estate associations and
    brokers have been filed in other courts across the country.
    Forsaking its right to appeal the jury verdict, NAR reached a
    settlement with the home seller plaintiffs, which, if approved by
    the court, would release NAR and most of its members from liability
    in the Missouri action and related nationwide class actions in
    exchange for NAR’s payment of $418 million to aggrieved home
    sellers and for changing its listing rules. Relatedly, the DOJ
    sought to reopen an antitrust investigation into NAR last year,
    asking the DC Circuit to overturn a decision that a settlement
    between DOJ and NAR was still in force, after DOJ pulled out of the
    settlement in 2021. At a hearing in December, a panel of circuit
    judges appeared skeptical that the settlement prevented DOJ from
    reopening its probe.

  • Last spring, dozens of class action lawsuits were filed
    alleging that software vendor RealPage and certain large property
    management companies conspired to raise the price of rental
    The complaints, consolidated in the
    Middle District of Tennessee, allege that the defendants colluded
    to raise prices through use of RealPage’s AI Revenue
    Management software, which allegedly increased rental prices by
    increasing vacancies. The DOJ filed a statement of interest in
    support of the plaintiffs’ claims late last year. Attorneys
    General for the District of Columbia, Arizona and Washington have
    since filed separate cases against RealPage and various property
    managers, making similar price fixing allegations on behalf of
    state residents.

  • Ten out of 17 elite universities recently settled
    claims that they conspired to fix the level of the financial aid
    The plaintiffs, a proposed class of
    students, allege that the schools engaged in price fixing and
    unfairly limited student aid through use of a shared methodology to
    calculate admitted students’ financial needs. The plaintiffs
    also allege that during the admissions process the defendants
    agreed to consider some applicants’ ability to pay, when
    considering students on the waitlist or through legacy admissions,
    thereby disqualifying the schools from an antitrust exemption under
    federal law.

Additional developments to watch for later this year:

  • The FTC’s case alleging
    that Facebook parent Meta maintained
    a monopoly through its acquisitions
    of WhatsApp and Instagram may
    go to trial later this year, in another test of the Biden
    administration’s efforts to crack down on large technology

  • Continuing its focus on large technology companies, the FTC
    opened an investigation in January 2024 into five specific
    companies’ investments in artificial intelligence. The FTC
    ordered the companies to provide information “regarding recent
    investments and partnerships involving generative AI companies and
    major cloud service providers.” FTC Chair Lina Khan expects
    that the study “will shed light on whether investments and
    partnerships pursued by dominant companies risk distorting
    innovation and undermining fair competition.”

  • The DOJ reportedly opened an antitrust investigation
    into UnitedHealth, the healthcare
    conglomerate that owns the largest U.S. health insurer, a leading
    manager of drug benefits, and Optum Health,
    an extensive network of a providers. The investigation reportedly
    centers on the relationships and potential favoritism between the
    health insurance unit and Optum
     and is examining the effects of the
    company’s acquisition of physician groups. The investigation
    exemplifies the Biden administration’s continued attention to
    increasing competition and reducing prices in the healthcare
    sector, and 2024 may see the investigation evolve into

The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.

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