Cybersecurity: Is Your Municipality Prepared For A Cyber-Attack? – Security

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The question is not if a municipality will have a
cyber-attack, the question is when it will occur.

Victims of a cybersecurity attack are no longer just those which
have been traditionally seen as the likely targets, such as
large-scale financial institutions or other high-profile
gatekeepers of valuable information. Today, all municipalities,
regardless of scale, should be prepared for a cybersecurity

Municipalities are subject to The Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Act
(“FIPPA”), which includes specific obligations with
respect to safeguarding the personal information a municipality
collects and notification of individuals in the event of a security
breach. As of January 1, 2022, failure to comply with FIPPA’s
breach notification requirements may result in a fine of up to

Is your municipality ready to respond in an organized and timely
manner to a discovery that its information system has been
breached, confidential data and personal information has been
accessed and its systems are no longer functioning properly? Does
it have a formal plan to restore system functionality, identify the
information that has been accessed, engage with the applicable
regulators, and contact and respond to those whose personal
information may have been accessed?

The hours after discovering a security breach are crucial. A
timely cybersecurity incident assessment and response is crucial.
Beyond being an important factor in restoring functionality to your
systems expeditiously, having proper policies and plans in place
will help your municipality ensure its compliance with the legal
requirements relating to data protection and cybersecurity breaches
in a timely manner and mitigate against potential legal liability.
Having a regularly tested incident response plan in place means
that, in the event of a security breach, required steps are taken
and no time is wasted.

All municipalities should have policies and procedures in place
to deal with cybersecurity incidents. This is an area that is
constantly evolving, so these policies and procedures should be
regularly reviewed and tested to ensure they remain effective and
compliant with legal obligations. If your municipality does not
have these policies and procedures, or if they have not been
recently reviewed, the questions below will highlight some key
considerations to help your municipality ensure that its legal
obligations are being met:

  • Can your municipality identify its data protection and cyber
    security compliance obligations?

  • Is your municipality aware of the relevant privacy laws that
    govern it (e.g. FIPPA)?

  • Does your municipality apply security safeguards, both
    technological (such as firewalls, anti-malware and intrusion
    detection system) and physical (such as locked doors, access cards
    and security cameras), appropriate to the sensitivity of the data
    it holds?

  • Does your municipality know all the types of data it holds,
    where it holds the data, how the data is protected, and who has
    access to the data?

  • Does your municipality have the appropriate policies,
    procedures, and processes in place to address its privacy, data
    protection and cyber security risks and compliance

  • Do your employees have the appropriate degree of awareness,
    knowledge, skill and training to effectively deal with the
    sensitivity of the data being held and address the applicable
    privacy, data protection and cyber security risks?

  • Does your municipality evaluate and manage privacy, data
    protection and cyber security risks arising from its use of
    third-party contractors or service providers?

  • Do your contracts require your service providers to assist you
    in complying with your regulatory obligations if they suffer a
    security breach that impacts the personal information for which
    your municipality is responsible?

  • Does your municipality have a formal incident response plan to
    deal with a breach of security safeguards that it regularly tests
    and updates?

The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.

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#Cybersecurity #Municipality #Prepared #CyberAttack #Security

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