Amazon’s Proactive Anti-Counterfeiting Work Is Good News For Brands – Statistics From The 2023 Brand Protection Report – Trademark

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Amazon’s annual Brand Protection Report was released
this week, detailing the work done in 2023 to tackle infringement
on its platforms.

The statistics are impressive yet again, with some highlights

  • In 2023, Amazon stopped more than 700,000 attempts by bad
    actors to create new selling accounts before any products were
    listed for sale. This is down from 6 million attempts to create
    infringing accounts in 2020, and 800,000 attempts in 2022.
    Amazon’s preventative work here is clearly having a ongoing
    deterrent effect;

  • The proactive measures used by Amazon were successful in
    blocking more than 99% of potentially infringing listings without
    the need for brand owners to intervene and file complaints;

  • The total number of infringement notices submitted by brands to
    Amazon has therefore decreased by more than 30% since 2020 (despite
    the total number of products available for sale on Amazon
    continuing to increase during the same time period);

  • The Amazon Counterfeit Crimes Unit seized and disposed of more
    than 7 million counterfeit products worldwide in 2023;

  • There are now more than 1.6 billion product units enrolled in
    the Transparency product serialisation scheme.

One of the key things I’ve taken away from this year’s
report is that Amazon’s proactive work in blocking potentially
infringing listings and seller accounts has seemingly lead to a
corresponding decrease in the number of infringement notices that
brands have had to file.

Brand owners will surely be grateful for a reduction in the
amount of work required to remove infringing content from the
world’s largest online marketplace. Filing complaints against
counterfeit listings can feel like a never-ending game of
“whack-a-mole”, so the fact that the Amazon’s
internal mechanisms have demonstrably reduced not only the number
of infringing listings requiring intervention, but also the number
of seller accounts created by bad actors, will surely be a welcome
relief to many.

The success of our brand protection strategy continues
to focus on four key areas: (1) powerful and highly effective
proactive efforts to protect our store, (2) industry-leading tools
enabling rights owners to partner with us to better protect their
brands, (3) advances in holding bad actors accountable, and (4)
improved customer protection and education.…

The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.

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