The Nigeria Data Protection Act 2023, Notable Provisions At A Glance – Privacy Protection

On the 12th of June 2023, the President of the
Federal Republic of Nigeria, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, signed the
“Nigeria Data Protection Act” (NDPA), into law. The Act
is Nigeria’s maiden legislation on Data Protection and was
heralded by the Nigeria Data Protection Regulation (NDPR) 2019 and
the Nigeria Data Protection Regulation Implementation Framework
2020. The new act provides a legal framework for the protection of
personal information, and the regulation of the processing of
personal information. The Act applies to both automated and manual
processing of personal data. To aid the understanding of the act,
we have explained key provisions and also highlighted some changes
introduced by the Act below.

Establishment of the Nigeria Data Protection Commission and a
Governing Council.

Section 4 of the NDPA establishes a Nigeria Data Protection
Commission (NDPC) which shall be an independent body in the
performance of its functions1. The Commission which shall be a
body corporate, shall have its headquarters in the Federal Capital
Territory2. The functions of the commission
as stipulated by the Act extend to all activities geared towards
the effective protection of personal data, essentially, the
commission will regulate both the activities of data subjects, data
processors and data controllers as empowered by the Act. The
Governing Council of the NDPC shall be headed by a Chairman and the
Council is charged with the responsibility of piloting the affairs
of the Commission, policy formulation for the commission, and
delivering the objectives for which the commission has been

Principles of Personal Data Processing.

The Act encapsulates the basic principles of data processing and
charges data processors to process data in ways that ensure
fairness, lawfulness, and transparency. Data processors are also
charged to collect data for a specific explicit and legitimate
purpose and only process the data for such purpose. The Act also
specifies the basis for the retention, storage, and protection of
personal data as follows. 4

  1. Lawful Basis of personal data processing.

Section 25 of NDPA outlines the metrics by which the lawfulness
of data processing can be measured. They include; the performance
of a contract, compliance with a legal obligation, protection of
the interest of a data subject or another person, performance of a
task in the public interest, or exercise of official authority
vested in the data controller or processor. In the same vein, the
act outlaws all forms of data processing that override the
fundamental rights and freedoms of data subjects. The act also
declares as unlawful, the processing of data in a manner that the
data subject did not envisage at the time of collection of data.
Perhaps most importantly, the essence of consent is provided for,
and the burden of proof is vested on the data controller who
asserts that a data subject consented to the processing of his
personal data.

  1. Obligations of Data Controllers and Data

Data Controllers are vested with the duty to provide data
subjects with information regarding the identity of the data
controller, place of business, and means of communication with the
data controller and its representatives (where necessary), the
recipients or categories of recipients of the personal data, the
rights that accrue to the data subjects, period of retention of the
data collected, right to lodge a complaint with the NDPC, and the
existence of automated decisions making (and other consequences

  1. Registration of Data Controllers and Data Processors of
    Major Importance.

The Act distinguishes between “ordinary” Data
controllers or data processors, and Data controllers or data
processors “of major importance”. Data Controllers and
Data Processors of major importance are required to register with
the NDPC within six months of the commencement of the Act, or six
months after becoming a data processor or controller of major

By the Act, a “data controller” is an individual, a
private entity, a public Commission, an agency or any other body
who, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and
means of processing of personal data. While a “data
processor” is also defined as an individual, private entity,
public authority, or any other body, that processes personal data
on behalf of or at the direction of a data controller or another
data processor.

The NDPC has the power to remove from the register the names of
any data processor or data controller who notifies it that it has
ceased to operate as a data processor or controller. The NDPC shall
also prescribe the fees and levies to be paid by the data
processors and controllers.

  1. Requirement of Data Privacy Impact

The Act makes it mandatory for data controllers to carry out a
Data Privacy Impact Assessment where the nature, scope, context, or
purpose of processing personal data, is likely to result in high
risk for the data subjects. The Act also stipulates the items to be
contained in such Data Privacy Impact Assessments. The NDPC is
empowered to make such guidelines or directives regarding the Data
Privacy Impact Assessments. 7

  1. Processing of Data of Children and Persons Legally
    Unable to give Consent.

The Act enjoins the data controllers to obtain the consent of
the parent or legal guardian of a child or person lacking the legal
capacity to consent to data processing. To this end, data
controllers must apply appropriate mechanisms to verify age and
consent. The NDPA identifies the presentation of a
government-approved identification as appropriate means of
identification. However, the requirement of consent shall not apply
in instances of processing for the protection of the vital
interests of the child or such legally incapacitated person. Also,
processing for medical, scientific or social care is exempted.8

  1. Appointment of Data Protection Officers for Data
    controllers of major importance.

All data controllers of major importance are mandated to
designate a person as a Data Protection Officer. Such Data
Protection Officer (DPO) must be knowledgeable in the field of data
privacy and data protection. However, such a person must not be a
member of the organization. The data controller may appoint a DPO
engaged under a service contract. 9

  1. Requirement of Licensing for Data Protection Compliance

Persons may be licensed to monitor, audit and report on
compliance by data controllers and data processors with not only
the NDPA but also rules and regulations made by the NDPC.10

  1. Security of Data

Data Processors are required to establish and implement
appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the
security, integrity and confidentiality of data, including
protection against all forms of loss and misuse.11 Section 40
further requires the data processors to report personal data
breaches to NDPC.

  1. Cross-Border Transfer of Data

Cross-border transfer of data is subject to two

  1. The data controller or processor must be subject to codes or
    rules that afford an adequate level of protection;

  2. Other bases12 which include; the data
    subject’s unwithdrawn and informed consent, a necessity for the
    performance of a contract, the sole benefit of the data subject,
    public interest, establishment or execution of legal Defence, and
    the protection of vital interests of a data subject who is
    physically or legally incapable of giving consent.

For enforcement, the NDPC may receive a complaint from any
aggrieved data subject, investigate such complaint, make
representations to the data processor or controller on behalf of a
data subject who is a complainant, issue appropriate compliance
orders against a data processor or controller who has violated any
requirement under this Act, make appropriate enforcement orders or
impose appropriate sanctions.

The penalty fees prescribed by the Act are divided into two
categories; a standard maximum amount (N2, 000, 000 or 2% of gross
revenue in the preceding financial year) for data processors and
controllers who are not of major importance.

The second category for the data processors and controllers of
major importance imposes a penalty of the higher maximum amount
(N10, 000, 000 or 2% of its annual gross revenue in the preceding
year). The Commission may also issue appropriate compliance and
enforcement orders. The orders of the Commission are subject to
judicial review within 30 days after they are made. This does not
preclude the right of data subjects to recover damages from data
processors and controllers, by instituting civil proceedings. Data
Controllers and Processors will also be held vicariously liable for
the acts or omissions of its agents or employees about its
business. 13


The NDPA is a long-anticipated step in the right direction as
far as data privacy and protection in Nigeria is concerned. The
spirit and intendment of the legislation are to be realized in the
various sections for which the Commission is empowered to make
regulations, for instance, the prescription of types of personal
data and processing exempt from the application of this act14.
Thankfully, the recent regulations enacted and published by the
Commission, have come to enable the smooth operation of the welcome
developments in the Act.


Section 7 NDPA

Section 4(3) NDPA

Section 12(1) NDPA

Section 24 NDPA

Section 29 NDPA

Section 44 NDPA

Section 28 NDPA

Section 31 NDPA

Section 32 NDPA

Section 33 NDPA

Section 39 NDPA

Section 43 NDPA

Sections 46-53 NDPA

Section 3(3)

The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.

#Nigeria #Data #Protection #Act #Notable #Provisions #Glance #Privacy #Protection

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