FTC Updates (January 1 – January 19, 2024) – Dodd-Frank, Consumer Protection Act

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As we enter 2024, the FTC is pushing forward on all fronts. The
Bureau of Consumer Protection announced both settlements and
actions, especially related to telemarketing and robocalls, as well
as automotive industry junk fees and illegal uses of consumer
location data. And, the FTC has scheduled a summit on Artificial
Intelligence on January 25. This, and more, after the jump.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Bureau of Consumer Protection: Advertising and Marketing;
Telemarketing; Robocalls

  • The FTC announced a proposed settlement with XCast
    Labs, Inc., a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) provider. The agreement would settle the FTC’s
    allegations that XCast Labs allowed hundreds of millions of illegal
    robocalls through its network, even after receiving warnings about
    such conduct. Under the settlement, XCast Labs will be required to
    implement a screening process of current and potential clients to
    ensure compliance with the FTC’s telemarketing rules. The
    settlement order will permanently bar XCast Labs from providing
    services to any company that does not have an automated procedure
    to block calls displaying invalid Caller ID phone numbers or that
    fail to be authenticated in the FCC’s STIR/SHAKEN
    Authentication Framework. Finally, the settlement imposes a $10
    million civil penalty, but the penalty will be suspended based on
    an inability to pay. The complaint, filed in May 2023, stated the FTC
    sent warning letters to VoIP providers, including XCast Labs, in
    early 2020 warning the providers that assisting or facilitating
    illegal telemarketing or robocalling is against the law. The
    Department of Justice litigated the case and filed the proposed
    order on the FTC’s behalf.

Bureau of Consumer Protection: Advertising and Marketing;
Telemarketing; Robocalls

  • The FTC announced a proposed settlement with Response
    Tree LLC and its president, Derek Thomas Doherty. Response Tree allegedly sold personal information of hundreds
    of thousands of consumers to telemarketers who used the information
    to make millions of illegal telemarketing calls nationwide. The settlement will ban Response Tree from making
    or assisting others in making robocalls or calls to numbers on the
    FTC’s Do-Not-Call Registry. The settlement order charges
    Response Tree with operating over fifty websites designed to trick
    consumers into providing their personal information for mortgage
    refinancing loans and other services. These websites are described
    as ‘consent farms’ that use manipulative dark patterns to
    induce consumers to provide their personal information and obscure
    inadequate disclosures regarding how the personal information will
    be used. Third parties then purchase the consumers’ personal
    information to use in illegal telemarketing campaigns. The
    settlement order imposes a $7 million judgment against the
    defendants, which will be suspended based on inability to pay. The
    FTC voted 3-0 to file the complaint and stipulated final

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Bureau of Consumer Protection: Deceptive Business Conduct;
Credit and Finance; Automobiles

  • The FTC and the State of Connecticut announced an action against auto-dealer
    Manchester City Nissan, as well as a number of key employees, for
    allegedly deceiving consumers about the price of used cars,
    add-ons, and government fees. The complaint alleges that Manchester City Nissan
    charged various junk fees without consumers’ notice or consent.
    These junk fees include double charges for ‘certified
    pre-owned’ vehicles, bogus add-ons, and bogus government fees.
    The complaint cites violations of the FTC Act and the Connecticut
    Unfair Trade Practices Act. The FTC voted 3-0 to authorize the
    complaint filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of

Friday, January 5, 2024

Office of Technology: Artificial Intelligence; Consumer
Protection; Competition

  • The FTC’s Office of Technology will host a virtual technology summit on January
    25, 2024 at noon that will bring together various stakeholders to
    discuss key developments in the evolving field of Artificial
    Intelligence. The event will include three panels and the
    stakeholders will include representatives from academia, industry,
    civil society organizations, and the government to discuss the
    technology, market trends, and real-world impacts of artificial
    intelligence. Chair Lina Khan and Commissioners Rebecca Slaughter
    and Alvaro Bedoya all plan to provide remarks at the Summit. The
    summit will take place online and further details can be found at
    the event website.

Bureau of Consumer Protection: Do Not Call Registry;

  • The FTC issued its Biennial Report to Congress Under
    the Do-Not-Call Registry Fee Extension Act of 2007 (the
    “Act”) for Fiscal years 2022 and 2023. In 2008, Congress
    passed the Act requiring a biennial report on the National Do Not
    Call Registry. The Registry has over 249 million active
    registrations, which increased by 2.6 million phone numbers in
    2023. Over 10,000 sellers, telemarketers, and exempt organizations
    subscribe to the Registry and pay fees totaling nearly $15 million.
    The Registry allows consumers to register numbers and submit
    complaints regarding suspected violations, as well as helps
    businesses and law enforcement investigate potential violations of
    Do Not Call rules.

Office of the Executive Director: Operations

  • The FTC issued an order approving the Horseracing
    Integrity and Safety Authority’s 2024 budget as submitted to
    the Commission. On March 27, 2023, the FTC adopted procedures for
    the FTC’s review and approval of the Horseracing Integrity and
    Safety Authority’s annual budget. The FTC published the Horseracing Integrity and Safety
    Authority’s proposed 2024 budget in the Federal Register,
    allowed for public comment, and now has voted 3-0 to approve the
    proposed budget.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Bureau of Consumer Protection; Debt Relief; Consumer Refunds

  • The FTC is sending payments of $201.34 each to 6,261 consumers
    who lost money due to Consumer Defense, an alleged deceptive
    mortgage modification scheme. According to the FTC’s 2018 complaint, Consumer Defense operated under a
    number of names, including Preferred Law and American Home Loan
    Counselors (“defendants”), and promised homeowners
    foreclose prevention and more affordable mortgage payments. Under
    the Consumer Defense scheme, homeowners were unlawfully charged
    upfront fees in monthly installments of $650 and were falsely
    promised legal assistance. Once consumers paid these fees, they
    learned that the defendants had not obtained the promised loan
    modifications and sometimes had never even contacted the lenders.
    In 2019, a federal court ruled in favor of the FTC in the case,
    ordering defendants’ assets to be turned over to the FTC and
    liquidated. The defendants appealed the case, and an appellate
    court in 2022 upheld the ruling but returned the case back
    to the district court to re-enter the monetary judgment pursuant to
    Section 19 of the FTC. In 2023, the district court entered a monetary judgmentfor the
    defendants’ violations of the Mortgage Assistance Relief
    Services Rule.

Bureau of Consumer Protection: Consumer Privacy; Online
Advertising and Marketing

  • The FTC issued a proposed order in relation to the complaint against X-Mode Social and its
    successor, Outlogic, which alleged that the company sold precise
    location data that could be used to track people’s visits to
    sensitive locations such as medical and reproductive health
    clinics, places of religious worship and domestic abuse shelters,
    failed to put in place reasonable and appropriate safeguards on the
    use of such information by third parties, and failed to ensure that
    users of their own apps were informed that their location data
    would be used. X-Mode and Outlogic collect precise location data
    from third-party apps that incorporate its software development kit
    into their apps. The company then sells and licenses consumer
    location data to hundreds of clients in various industries. The
    proposed order requires X-Mode/Outlogic to create a program to
    ensure it develops and maintains a list of sensitive locations, and
    ensure it is not sharing, selling or transferring location data
    about those sensitive locations and limits the company from
    collecting or using location data when consumers have opted out.
    The Commission voted 3-0 to accept the consent agreement.

Bureau of Consumer Protection; Advertising and Marketing

  • The FTC will hold an informal hearing on its proposed rule banning fake reviews and
    testimonials at 10 a.m. ET on February 13, 2024. On July 31,
    2023, the FTC published a Federal Register notice proposing a new
    rule to stop marketers from using illicit review and endorsement
    practices such as using fake reviews, suppressing honest negative
    reviews, and paying for positive reviews. During the hearing, three
    interested parties will provide statements addressing issues raised
    during the rulemaking process. The hearing will be open to the
    public and available via webcast.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Bureau of Consumer Protection: Privacy and Security

  • The FTC is launching a claims process for consumers who had
    their Social Security numbers exposed in a data breach involving
    online platform CafePress. The claims process comes after a March
    2022 settlement with CafePress over allegations the
    company failed to implement reasonable security measures to protect
    sensitive information stored on its network, including plain text
    Social Security numbers, inadequately encrypted passwords, and
    answers to password reset questions, leading to a data breach of
    sensitive data. Under the settlement with the FTC, Residual Pumpkin
    Entity, LLC, the former owner of CafePress, and PlanetArt, LLC,
    which bought CafePress in 2020, were required to implement
    information security programs to address the security problems
    identified in the complaints in addition to paying $500,000 to
    compensate victims impacted by the data breach.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Bureau of Competition; Bureau of Consumer Protection; FTC

  • The FTC has adjusted the maximum civil penalty dollar amounts
    for violations of 16 provisions of law the FTC enforces, as
    required by the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act
    Improvements Act of 2015, effective on January 10, 2024, from 1)
    $50,120 to $51,744 for violations of Sections 5(l), 5(m)(1)(A), and
    5(m)(1)(B) of the FTC Act, Section 7A(g)(l) of the Clayton Act, and
    Section 525(b) of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act; 2) $659
    to $680 for violations of Section 10 of the FTC Act, and; 3)
    $1,426,319 to $1,472,546 for violations of Section 814(a) of the
    Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. These adjustments are
    listed in the Federal Register notice.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Bureau of Competition; Merger

  • The FTC has approved revised jurisdictional thresholds for Section 8 of the Clayton Act,
    which prohibits interlocking directorates. For 2024, thresholds
    under Section 8 of the Act that trigger prohibitions on certain
    interlocking memberships on corporate boards of directors are
    $48,559,000 for Section 8(a)(l) and $4,855,900 for Section

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Data Security; Consumer Privacy; Business Guidance

  • The FTC announced a proposed order and complaint which would inhibit the digital
    marketing platform, InMarket Media, from using its consumers’
    locations without obtaining their consent. The complaint alleges
    that InMarket embedded location-collecting software development
    kits (SDK) into two of its own shopping awards apps, and
    subsequently made such data available to more than “300
    third-party apps downloaded to more than 390 million different
    devices.” InMarket has agreed to the terms of the proposed
    order, which prohibit it from selling or licensing precise location
    data. Further, InMarket is required to implement a prevention
    program to halt future uses of consumer location data. This case
    conveys the extent to which the FTC will act to protect consumers
    against the illegal collection of their sensitive location

The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.

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