Ireland Introduces New Code Of Practice On Flexible And Remote Working – Employee Benefits & Compensation

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The Irish Workplace Relations Commission (the
WRC“) published a new code of practice
on the Right to Request Flexible Working and the Right to Request
Remote Working on 7 March 2024 (the

The Code has been implemented on foot of the Work Life Balance
and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2023 (the
“Act”), which gives all employees a
right to request remote working and gives parents and caregivers
the ability to seek arrangements that allow for flexible

Main provisions of the Code

Some of the main provisions of the Code are mentioned below:

Remote Working

Flexible Working


Remote working is where an employee performs some or all of
their duties from a location different from the employer’s
business premises, without any alteration to their usual working
hours or responsibilities.

Flexible working involves altering an employee’s work
schedule or patterns in many ways such as job sharing, term-time
work or compressed working hours.

Qualifying criteria

All employees who have at least six months’ continuous

An employee with at least six months service who is a parent or
acting in loco parentis who is caring for:

  • a child under the age of 12; or

  • a child with a disability under the age of 16.

An employee with at least six months service who is or will be
providing personal care or support to their child, spouse, civil
partner, cohabitant, parent or grandparent, sibling, or a person
residing in their household who is in need of significant care or
support for a serious medical reason.

Making a request

Requests must:

1. be in writing (may be online) and signed by the employee;

2. be submitted no later than 8 weeks before the proposed start
date of the remote working arrangement; and

3. confirm:

(a) the days of the week;

(b) the commencement date;

(c) the duration of the requested arrangement;

(d) details of the proposed location and suitability of the
location; and

(e) the reasons for the request.

An employee must provide any information which the employer may
reasonably require in relation to the request.

Requests must:

1. be in writing (may be online) and signed by the employee;

2. be submitted no later than 8 weeks before the proposed start
date of the flexible working arrangement; and

3. confirm:

(a) the commencement date of the arrangement;

(b) the form of the arrangement;

(c) the duration of the arrangement; and

(d) details to support the request (e.g. birth certificate in
respect of a child of the employee)

An employee must provide any information which the employer may
reasonably require in relation to the request.

Responding to a request

An employer has 4 weeks to respond to the remote working

This period can be extended by a further 4 weeks (but not
exceeding 8 weeks total) in the event of the employer experiencing
difficulty in assessing the request.

The response must:

(a) approve the request and include an agreement which must be
signed by both parties setting out the details of the arrangement;

(b) refuse the request providing details for the refusal; or

(c) provide notice that an extension is required to consider the
request further.

An employer has 4 weeks to respond to the flexible working

This period can be extended by a further 4 weeks (but not
exceeding 8 weeks total) in the event of the employer experiencing
difficulty in assessing the request.

The response must:

(a) approve the request and include an agreement which must be
signed by both parties setting out the details of the arrangement;

(b) refuse the request providing details for the refusal; or

(c) provide notice that an extension is required to consider the
request further.

Changing the arrangements

The arrangement can be altered provided such changes are agreed
in writing.

The arrangement can be altered provided such changes are agreed
in writing.

Termination by the employer of the

An employer who proposes to give notice of termination to the
arrangement for remote working must:

(a) notify the employee in writing of the proposal to terminate
the arrangement;

(b) include details of the grounds for terminating the

(c) give the employee 7 days after receipt of the notice to make
representations to the employer in relation to the proposal;

(d) consider any representations made by an employee before
deciding whether to give notice of termination of the

If, after having considered the employee’s representations,
the employer proceeds with terminating the arrangement, the
employee must return to their original working arrangement on the
date stated in the notice.

An employer who proposes to give notice of termination to the
arrangement for flexible working must:

(a) notify the employee in writing of the proposal to terminate
the arrangement;

(b) include details of the grounds for terminating the

(c) give the employee 7 days after receipt of the notice to make
representations to the employer in relation to the proposal;

(d) consider any representations made by an employee before
deciding whether to give notice of termination of the

If, after having considered the employee’s representations,
the employer proceeds with terminating the arrangement, the
employee must return to their original working arrangement on the
date stated in the notice.

Return to previous working arrangement

An employee can request to return to their original working
arrangements by providing the reasons for the request and the
proposed return date.

The employer must respond within 4 weeks of receiving the
request. If granted, the employee is entitled to return to the
original working arrangement that they held immediately before the
approval of the remote working arrangement.

An employee can request to return to their original working
arrangements by providing the reasons for the request and the
proposed return date.

The employer must respond within 4 weeks of receiving the
request. If granted, the employee is entitled to return to the
original working arrangement that they held immediately before the
approval of the remote working arrangement.

The Code also provides for the following:

  • Abuse of an arrangement: If an employer has
    reasonable grounds for believing that an employee is not fulfilling
    all of the requirements of their role, they can give an employee
    notice of termination of an arrangement, setting out the reasons
    for termination and specifying the date on which the employee must
    return to their original working arrangement. An employee is
    required to return to their original working arrangement 7 days
    after receiving notice of termination for abuse of an

  • Protection against penalisation: An employer
    must not penalise an employee for proposing to or having exercised
    their right to make a request for remote or flexible working, or to
    return to a previous working arrangement.

  • Raising concerns: The Code encourages the use
    of internal procedures where an employee feels that their request
    has not been considered in line with the legislation and/or the
    Code. For larger organisations, the Code also suggests that it
    appoints a designated member of HR as the point of contract to
    raise any concerns with.

  • Making a complaint: If an employee feels that
    their employer has not complied with legislation or the Code, they
    have the right to bring a claim to the WRC within 6 months of the
    date of the alleged breach. This period can be extended to 12
    months in exceptional circumstances. If successful, the WRC can
    direct the employer to comply with specific sections of the Act
    and/or the Code, or award compensation of up to 20 weeks’ gross
    annual remuneration.

  • Record keeping: An employer must keep a record
    of approved arrangements taken by their employees for three years
    and must include:

    • The period of employment of each employee;

    • The dates on which each employee was on an approved remote or
      flexible working arrangement; and

    • The number of times each employee was on an approved remote or
      flexible working arrangement.

Employers who fail to maintain adequate records may be liable on
summary conviction of a fine of up to €2,500.

Key takeaways for employers

The Code allows for heightened accommodation in the workplace
and aims to positively impact individuals’ work-life

A key action point for employers is the development of suitable
remote and flexible working policies. The relevant policy should
consider the specific needs of the business and the
organisation’s ability to facilitate remote and flexible
working arrangements. The relevant policy should clearly set out
the requirements for submitting a request, the suitability of
certain roles for such an arrangement and how the relevant policy
will collaborate with other company policies that are already in
place. Employers should also be conscious of maintaining adequate
records or risk facing a significant financial penalty for failing
to do so.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.

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