Morning Docket: 04.15.24

* OJ Simpson’s lawyer proclaims that he’ll see to it that the Goldman family gets “zero” of the estate despite them holding a $33.5 million judgment that’s ballooned to over $100 million with interest. And people wonder why the judicial system doesn’t get the respect it used to. [People]

* First Trump criminal trial kicks off, so let’s talk about jury nullification. [Just Security]

* Federal Circuit battle against Judge Newman is “focused less on the merits of disabilities and procedures over aging judges, and more on personal animosity.” Totally professional way to let an appellate court operate! [Law360]

* The new white collar defense strategy of leveling misconduct allegations against the prosecution. [BIG]

* ABA membership dues set to increase. [ABA Journal]

* Hunter Biden loses bid to dismiss gun charges, setting up the inevitable Supreme Court case where Sam Alito gleefully rules in favor of the younger Biden to invalidate every gun regulation pursued by the elder Biden. [Reuters]

* Clare Locke enters strategic cross-border alliance with fellow defamation and reputation management shops Schillings and Giles George. [Bloomberg Law News]

* Is Biglaw partnership incompatible with being a diligent parent? [ International]

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#Morning #Docket #04.15.24

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