Review: Adobe Helps Educators Create Customized Virtual Learning Environments

When colleges and universities were first forced to go virtual in 2020, there was a scramble to get everyone online. And while those early virtual meeting rooms performed adequately under the circumstances, they were hardly operating as robust learning platforms. However, they were ideal for figuring out what worked and what needed improvement to support better learning environments and more efficient student engagement.

The designers of Adobe Connect took advantage of that feedback, creating a fully customizable platform that educators can use to configure virtual classrooms perfectly suited to their needs. They can even change things up on the fly to shift the focus of a lesson or keep everyone engaged. The platform can be accessed or driven by any device with a web browser that can connect using the HTTPS protocol, which is just about all of them.

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Adobe Connect’s Pods Help Create Unique Virtual Learning Spaces

Setting up Adobe Connect to serve as a virtual classroom was surprisingly easy in our testing. Instructors simply define windows — which the platform calls pods — within the working space on their screen. Once they have defined the size and location of a pod, they use a dropdown menu to configure and set up its function. For example, they can get one pod ready to play a video while another shows a camera feed.

Other pods can support chat rooms for discussion or act as display windows for pictures or text. Pods of the same type can be used in clever ways, such as having multiple chat windows open for a debate, or to discuss different aspects of the lesson in a collaborative learning environment.

The layout for a page filled with pods can be saved as a template, and educators can switch out different templates at the touch of a button. For example, they can shift the focus of a lesson by switching from a large collaborative learning environment with several chat pods to one where the entire screen is dedicated to a single pod playing a video, encouraging everyone to really focus on it. Once the movie ends, they can switch back to the collaborative template for more discussion.


Customizable Classrooms Further Student Engagement

Adobe Connect provides a fully customizable command center for virtual classrooms, allowing instructors to present lessons in ways that might be more engaging than if they were giving their lecture in person. In a sense, the platform is one part classroom and one part virtual theater or stage. With just a little bit of experimentation, presenters can learn to create truly innovative and unique learning environments.

With an astonishingly user-friendly interface, many options for configuring pods and the ability to switch out templates on the fly, the Adobe Connect platform makes for a powerful learning tool that can enhance the learning experience for just about any kind of class.


PRODUCT TYPE: Command center and dashboard for online presentations
SUPPORTED PLATFORMS: Any device or browser with HTTPS capability
ENCRYPTION: TLS 1.3/1.2 in transit, AES 256-bit at rest
SUPPORTED CONTENT: MP4 videos, PDF documents, web pages, chat rooms, surveys, web camera feeds, high-definition audio, event analytics
LICENSE TYPE: Annual with full maintenance and platform upgrade support

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