Sexism In The City – Employee Rights/ Labour Relations

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#MeToo is still moving across the pond. On March 8, 2024, the
House of Commons Treasury Committee published a report entitled
“Sexism in the City” (referenced as “Report” in
this article), which found that the financial-services sector had
made little progress in removing the systemic barriers faced by
women in the workplace or the prevalence of sexual harassment. The
Report has called on the government, regulators and financial firms
to confront the issues contributing to gender inequality. It came
less than a month after the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) sent
a series of information requests to insurance companies related to
sexual harassment and other non-financial misconduct.

The Treasury Committee’s Report and the FCA’s requests
are likely precursors to legislation, enforcement and more
stringent supervision. Financial -services
companies—including both those based in the United Kingdom
and those in the United States with a significant UK
presence—should take note of these developments and assess
whether enhancements to their policies and practices are

Background and key findings

Five years ago, the Treasury Committee launched an inquiry into
women in finance. In 2018, the Committee issued a report
identifying a range of barriers faced by women in financial
services, including sexual harassment, bullying and pregnancy
discrimination, while proposing recommendations to mitigate those
barriers. To determine whether progress has been made, the
Committee launched its “Sexism in the City” inquiry in
July 2023. The inquiry revealed a disappointing lack of progress on
the various challenges experienced by women in financial services
and a lack of cultural change in the sector.

Although its Report acknowledged “incremental
improvements” for women working in financial services, such as
the proportion of women holding senior roles, the Treasury
Committee found that the following challenges persist:

  • Gender pay gap: The financial-services sector
    has the largest gender pay gap of any of the UK economy’s
    sectors. As of 2022-23, the average pay gap within financial
    services was 23.7 percent, compared to 11.7 percent in all other
    industries. Progress since the start of gender pay-gap reporting in
    2017 has also been slow, with the gap reducing by only 1.7 percent
    over six years for financial-services firms. On this trajectory, it
    will take another 70 years for the gender pay gap to close in the

  • Prevalence of sexual harassment: Sexual
    harassment and bullying remain “shocking[ly]” prevalent,
    and firms continue to handle allegations of such behaviours poorly.
    Citing data collected by the not-for-profit organisation Speak Out
    Revolution, the advocacy group Can’t Buy My Silence informed
    the Treasury Committee that “45% of workers working in the
    financial services industry have encountered sexual harassment in
    the workplace”. Forms of sexual harassment ranged from
    inappropriate comments and being excluded from meetings to criminal
    harassment, assault and rape.

  • Misuse of nondisclosure agreements: Misuse of
    nondisclosure agreements (NDAs) to attempt to “cover up”
    abuse allegations has been widespread. A roundtable conducted by
    the Treasury Committee revealed that NDAs had the
    damaging effect of silencing sexual-harassment victims while
    protecting the perpetrators and undermining incentives for firms to
    take action to prevent sexual harassment.

  • Culture: Firms still treat diversity and
    inclusion as “tick box” exercises instead of core
    business priorities. Many described the cultures in
    financial-services firms as still “old boys’ clubs”.
    Several witnesses explained how existing initiatives on diversity
    and inclusion often aimed to change women to fit the culture better
    rather than change the culture to fit women better.


The Report has made numerous recommendations to address sexual
harassment, gender-based discrimination and bullying in the
financial-services sector—which companies would be wise to
heed now:

  • Boards and senior leadership: The UK’s
    Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and FCA should ensure that
    firms’ boards and senior leadership take greater responsibility
    for improving diversity and inclusion instead of zeroing in on
    extensive data reporting and target setting.

  • Firms’ policies: Firms need to embed
    zero-tolerance cultures towards harassment and bullying in their
    workplaces. They should ensure robust processes are in place to
    investigate harassment allegations, with the perpetrators of abuse
    rather than their victims suffering negative consequences.
    Additionally, the government and regulators should encourage all
    firms to equalise parental leave for men and women and be
    transparent about their maternity- and parental-leave policies,
    including when advertising available roles.

  • Pay transparency: As noted by the previous
    Treasury Committee, the government should take action to encourage
    greater pay transparency, including by amending pay-gap reporting
    guidance so that partners’ remuneration is included.
    Additionally, the employer-size threshold for pay-gap reporting
    should be reduced from 250 to 50 employees—at least for firms
    in financial services, given the extent of the problem in this

  • NDAs: The government must tackle the misuse of
    NDAs and introduce legislation to ban their use in harassment
    cases. It must be clear that nothing in an NDA can prevent someone
    from reporting misconduct to the FCA or reporting a crime to the

  • Enhancing flagship initiatives: Two government
    flagship initiatives—the gender pay-gap reporting
    regulations, introduced in 2017, and HM Treasury’s Women in
    Finance Charter, also launched in 2017—have successfully
    increased transparency and driven conversations but have not
    brought about the necessary extent of change. The Treasury
    Committee has recommended various enhancements to both initiatives,
    such as extending the focus of the Charter beyond the top level of
    senior management and requiring firms with pay gaps above a certain
    level to produce action plans on how they will reduce them.

Next steps

The Report has urged the government and regulators to implement
changes that will prevent and address sexual harassment,
gender-based discrimination and bullying in the financial-services
sector. The FCA has confirmed that it will
prioritise proposals that tighten expectations on firms
to tackle misconduct such as bullying and sexual
” this year and will consider the Treasury
Committee’s recommendations on whistleblowing and NDA use. The
FCA has also already issued two statutory requests for information
to wholesale banks and insurers requiring statistics regarding
instances of non-financial misconduct, which it will use to inform
its approach to supervision on this issue.

What should companies do now?

As a first step, firms should review their existing policies and
procedures to consider whether their whistleblowing procedures and
NDA use should be revised. Firms should also review their practices
to ensure they have robust processes for investigating workplace
misconduct and taking appropriate corrective action when

Whilst reviewing and enhancing policies and procedures is the
first step, effective implementation is critical. Firms should
routinely include non-financial misconduct as a component of their
training programmes, either as a stand-alone module or as part of
regular education on their codes of conduct and staff handbooks.
They should also ensure employees know how to report

Further, the Report has emphasised that boards and senior
leadership of firms must take greater responsibility for improving
diversity and inclusion. The board and management should be
regularly apprised of issues related to sexual harassment,
discrimination and retaliation in the workforce and demonstrate,
through both actions and words, that a firm’s policies will be
enforced and non-financial misconduct will not be tolerated.

This article was first published by International Banker on April 11,

The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.

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