Court Of Appeal Delivers Key Ruling On Transparency Of Unified Patent Court Proceedings – Trials & Appeals & Compensation

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Yesterday, in a highly anticipated ruling,1
the UPC Court of Appeal (“CoA”) dismissed an appeal
brought by Ocado in its litigation in the UPC against Autostore,
following a decision by the Nordic-Baltic Division to grant third
party access to pleadings filed on the UPC Case Management System

The decision is a significant one in the early stages of the
UPC’s operation, and appears to shift the balance towards
permitting third party access to pleadings and evidence filed on
the CMS, although each ‘reasoned request’ (made pursuant to
Rule of Procedure Rule 262.1(b)) will be determined on its


In interpreting Rule 262.1(b), the CoA reasoned that:

  • A member of the public generally has an interest that pleadings
    and evidence are made available, which helps contribute to
    trust in the Court by the public at large” (and
    also aligns with Article 45 of the UPC Agreement, which makes clear
    that proceedings shall by default be open to the public).

  • A specific, direct interest in the subject matter of the
    proceedings is not required; general interests such as
    scientific and/or educational interests” are
    legitimate for the purposes of requesting access to pleadings and
    evidence in proceedings.

  • A third party’s interest in obtaining access, however, must
    be weighed against various, important interests set out in Article
    45 of the UPC Agreement, such as the protection of confidential
    information and the general interest of justice. The CoA made clear
    that the latter includes the protection of integrity of proceedings
    (namely that “the parties are able to bring forward their
    arguments and evidence and that this is decided upon by the Court
    in an impartial and independent manner

  • An applicant is still, however, required to specify the purpose
    of a request and state why access to the specified documents is
    necessary for the stated purpose, so to enable the Court to carry
    out this balancing exercise.

  • Requesting access while proceedings are pending
    effectively gives rise to a higher bar under Rule 262.1(b), in
    comparison to a case which has since settled where the interest of
    ‘integrity of proceedings’ no longer applies.

In this case, the CoA determined that the balance of interest
weighed in favour of granting the third party (an individual)
access to the pleadings, based on the individual’s general
interest in how the claim was framed.


This ruling would appear to mark a conscious shift away from the
more restrictive approach that the wording of the Rules of
Procedure (on a literal interpretation) suggest should be followed.
This decision is particularly interesting when compared to the
stance taken previously by the UPC at first instance in other
pending actions, in which general interests such as
education and training” were not considered to
constitute a “concrete and verifiable, legitimate
” and as such, did not legitimise granting third
party access to parties’ pleadings under Rule

This decision will be viewed as a move in the right direction by
those who have openly criticised the lack of transparency of UPC
proceedings and campaigned for unrestricted file access to third
parties, as is provided for in the EPO, and indeed has broadly been
the position in many national courts. The decision is particularly
notable after the CoA’s order (in respect of the same
litigation) earlier this year, which made clear that general
members of the public cannot have access to court documents unless
requested through a professional UPC representative.3
Indeed, the two rulings might even be deemed to give rise to a
degree of inconsistency.

Some may, however, feel the decision does not go far enough,
falling short of permitting default automatic access to pleadings
and evidence on the CMS, such access still being subject to a
formal, reasoned application made to the Court.

We can now expect an increase in third party access requests, in
the expectation that a more relaxed approach will be taken by the
lower instance courts following the CoA’s decision. However, it
is still very much at the discretion of the judge-rapporteur in
each case to reach his or her own decision having carried out the
balancing exercise set out by the CoA – and after consulting with
the parties. The ruling of the CoA still therefore gives plenty of
scope to UPC judges to come to different conclusions on where the
balance of interest lies, depending upon the facts of each


1. UPC_CoA_404/2023 APL_584498/2023

2. ORD_552745/2023 and ORD_55152/2023

3. UPC_CoA_404/2023 App_584498/2023

The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.

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