Association Backs Students’ Assembly, Speech Rights

The American Association of University Professors has released a statement condemning, in part, the “militarized” response to peaceful protests and free speech.

Dr. Irene MulveyDr. Irene Mulvey“The AAUP and its chapters defend the right to free speech and peaceful protest on university campuses, condemn the militarized response by institutional leaders to these activities, and vehemently oppose the politically motivated assault on higher education,” read the April 29 statement.

A coalition of nearly 20 AAUP chapters have signed on to the statement defending free speech, the right of assembly, and associational rights for students. In it, the organization objected to language that equates protesters at Columbia University with terrorists and rebuked university leaders who have responded to “largely peaceful” on-campus activism by inviting riot-gear clad law enforcement to make arrests.

AAUP President Dr. Irene Mulvey said previously, regarding Columbia’s response, that the “silencing” of students’ associational and free speech rights amounted to “a grave disservice” to the school’s reputation and a “permanent stain on her presidential legacy.”

“These administrators are failing in their duty to their institutions, their faculty, their students, and their central obligation to our democratic society,” the AAUP statement said. “When university administrators limit when, where, and how free speech may be exercised, and require advanced applications for permission of such expression, they effectively gut the right itself.”

The statement continued: “AAUP stands with our chapters and members nationwide who are defending free speech, the right of assembly, and associational rights for students. The way forward is through education and dialogue, not through zip-ties and fear-mongering.”

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