Civil Litigation In Thailand – Trials & Appeals & Compensation

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Litigation is usually the last resort in resolving disputes.
Most parties to a dispute try to avoid litigation altogether,
fearing that seeking recourse with the courts or arbitration will
lead to a disruption in commercial relationships, result in
increased legal expenses, and generally lengthen the period in
which the dispute remains unresolved. While some of these concerns
may indeed be legitimate, sometimes litigation is the only means
for a party to obtain relief. For parties contemplating such
recourse, it is reassuring to know that the Thai court system is
generally an accessible, unbiased, and balanced vehicle for the
resolution of disputes.

Civil Litigation in Thailand aims to introduce some of
the fundamentals of Thai civil court procedures and practices. This
brief guide covers the main issues concerning civil litigation in
Thailand as either a plaintiff or a defendant.

To view the full article, click here.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.

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#Civil #Litigation #Thailand #Trials #Appeals #Compensation

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